Safety Education And Accident. * Safety education is the acquisition of knowledge and skills for dealing with emergences resulting from accident,knowing where to obtain help/relief. *Accident is an unintentional and unforeseen event resulting in personal injury or property damage.
Classification Of Accidents. 1.Home /Domestic Accidents-These are accidents that occur in the house,surroundings and neighborhood.Most of the accidents at home are inform of cuts,falls,burns,etc.
School Accidents These are accidents that occurs within the school compound in areas like laboratories,the field,gymnasium,classes,school farm.
Industrial/Workplace Accidents These occur in industries such as mining,construction,manufacturiing. etc.
Transportation Accidents These are accidents that occur on the road,sea,rail and in air.The accident affect mostly people on the journey but either user is affected.
ASSIGNMENT Mention any two causes and preventions of each of the accidents mentioned.