The Ideal Job Good careers for my future
On Field What I would like to be it would be an acting field. The acting field is like when you are faking things in order to make a movie, a TV show, or a play. Being an actor or an actress may be really hard to do because many people can’t act like fake cry, lie, or sometimes they even sometimes laugh and don’t get much done. So being an actress or an actor isn’t for everybody.
What dose an actor or actress dose An actor would probably work 12 hours a day with no breaks at all. But when someone becomes an actor or an actress, they have to give up almost everything. Maybe like not visiting there families for months. The way how it works on acting and all that is by going to an audition and not just sit there and wait tell they call you and say cool I got the part. Do they just sit and watch TV, and then a letter just pops up and says: You got the part? No, you go to acting school, pay money, get your parents permission, get a manager, and go through a rough time. That is how you become an actor.
Salary and Benefits All an actress dose is just fake everything. But they also get paid very well They get paid even more than what a teacher dose. An actor gets paid depending on how much dose the movie makes. Usually a movie makes from one to 2 billion dollars. so an actor probably makes $900,000 to 1 million dollars maybe more. An actor always has to get paid before the movie gets into the movie theaters. A celebrity actor would get paid 25,000,000 and the celebrity actress would get paid 20,000,000 dollars. The lead actor or actress (non-famous) would get paid $30,000 to $500,000. The very first thing is the desire to ACT. Some people in the business say that you can either 'be an actress' or you can act, you can't do both.
Work to become an actor Will it dose take a lot of work to become an actress but some actors get there own coach to be training them The coach may request that the famous performer learn some things in a class environment-- hugging their knees among lesser mortals while a teacher imparts wisdom about breathing like a starfish or becoming one with the crack hobo. Some actors even have the same coach because they don’t really mind sharing them with other famous people so that they could also get trained.
Acting Tips For Beginners People can get into acting despite of age, gender and race. While others are just interested in it as a hobby, others desire to be professionally involved with it. Millions of people wanted to join the world of acting so they end up enrolling to some acting schools. After the day sessions, they then think that they are ready for the world that they dream of. And if you are one of those individual who undergo some special training but still hesitated to make some auditions, then the following Acting Tips will surely help you to overcome your fears and hesitations. Know your script and listen actively. Script is a tool that an actor is always holding while there is a shooting. Without the script, an actor will not be effective as you think. So know your script well by keep reading again and again. This will help you to familiarize the lines well and when to react or throw lines with the co-actor. Thus, familiarizing also needs you to listen actively so you can easily answer some the dialogues made by other actors involved in the scene. Be brave and learn to breath. What usually happens in a scene is that actors are having hard time deliver lines normally as if there is no director watching them. They tend to be conscious especially the beginners that they would deliver their lines as fast as they could. This will end up the scene dull and very dragging to the audience. So, learn to breath and do not be destructed with the people surrounding you. Be brave and face some daring and challenging roles even if it is very opposite to your personality. Always remember that acting is an art and it does nothing to your personal life.
Sources Will most of my information I got it off the internet.