Richard Wagner was born on May 22, 1813, in Leipzig, Germany, into a middle-class family. He had 8 brothers and sisters along with his dad Friedrich and his mother Johanna. In 1836 he married Minna Planner who was a singer-actress at this point.
He has only completed 13 compositions but 10 of them are pretty well known. His most famous are Der Ring des Nibelungen, Tristan und Isolde, and Parsifal.
This is one of Wagner’s more famous compositions titled: Bridal Chorus.
Richard Wagner was a great admirer of Ludwig Van Beethoven and that is what influenced him to become a musician. He mainly taught himself but he had taken 8 harmony lessons with Christian Gottlieb Müller.
Sources nti-semitism/Wagner.html nti-semitism/Wagner.html
Richard died on the date of February 13, 1883 in Venice when he was 70 years old. He obviously lived a pretty good life as a musician and will forever be remembered. Eu4 Eu4