Ambassador Training (Add date of training here)
Agenda Our Mission Change Starts Here Honda Match Challenge Steps to Successful Canvassing Other Tidbits!
United Way Greater Simcoe County Our Mission To improve lives and build community by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective action.
Change starts here. United Way provides funding to local agencies in our community by focussing on 3 priority areas: Moving people from poverty to possibility Building strong communities Enabling all that kids can be
Back for the 3 rd and final year and the easiest way to grow your campaign!
Honda of Canada Mfg. Leadership Challenge Here’s how: Each 1 st time donation of $1,000 or more to UWGSC will be matched $ for $ Increase a gift to a $1,000 this year and that $1,000 is matched $ for $ Any existing leadership gift that is increased by 10% or more this year will have that increase matched by Honda too! (HCM will match up to $70K)
Steps to Canvassing Success! (there’s only 3!) 1. PREPARE 2. MEET/ASK % FOLLOW UP
1. PREPARE Learn about United Way Brochures Website Employee Campaign Coordinator Agency Tour United Way Staff Partner Learn about your own workplace campaign What did you raise in 2013? What was your participation rate? What are the strategies for 2014? Any Special Events?
Your 2013 Campaign Results Employee Giving: $ Special Events: $ Total donations raised: # of Employees: # of Donors: Average Gift$ Participation Rate: %
2014 STRATEGIES 100% face to face canvassing (ask everyone!) Promote Payroll Deduction Promote UWGSC Community Fund Promote Honda Match Promote ‘Every Day Hero’
1. PREPARE Make your own gift first! If possible, set a time and place to meet with each prospective donor Build your confidence Set your expectations high!
1. PREPARE “PEOPLE GIVE TO PEOPLE” (Canvass in person – not over the phone or by ) Set the tone. Try to be relaxed as possible Thank your colleague(s) for meeting with you Explain that you are volunteering to help with the campaign and explain how the donor can participate Give them a copy of the brochure
1. PREPARE Make your case. Share information about United Way Explain your personal reasons for supporting the campaign Discuss a certain agency that you are familiar with or have visited Be honest and open
2. MEET/ASK Answer questions Don’t guess Find out & follow up If they are busy – come back later If a prospective donor is not available – leave a brochure for them Please do not leave a gift form on an empty desk!
YOUR MISSION! To personally ASK your colleagues to support the campaign by making a donation! 2. MEET/ASK
SAY THANK YOU! Even if they haven’t made a donation thank them for taking the time to meet with you
3. 100% FOLLOW-UP Make your call backs as arranged Re-canvas – go back to see the people you missed the first time around Just because they were not there does not mean they won’t give!
OTHER TIDBITS Completed pledge forms are to be returned to your ECC as quickly as possible Upon completion of all your canvassing please return all pledge forms – even the blank ones!
On behalf of United Way and our community THANK YOU!!
Your United Way Staff Partner: Paulina Robertson Director Resource Development United Way Greater Simcoe County x