David Abbott Director of Student Services Mary Barton CFN 204 SATIF November 21, 2011
QS 1—Instructional and Organizational Coherence: The school has a coherent strategy to support student learning that aligns curriculum, instruction and organizational decisions. QS 2—Gather and Analyze Data: School leaders and faculty consistently gather, analyze and share information on student outcomes to understand school and student progress over time.
QS 3—School leaders and faculty consistently engage the school community and use data to set and track suitably high goals for accelerated student learning. QS 4—Align Capacity Building: The school aligns its leadership development and structured professional collaboration around meeting the school’s goals and student learning and emotional needs.
QS 5—Monitor and Revise: The school has structures for monitoring and evaluating progress throughout the year and for flexibly adapting plans and practices to meet its goals for accelerated learning.
There are several indicators and sub indicators that speak to the Guidance Counselor’s role in the school community and your work with students specifically. They are: ◦ 1.4 a, b, c ◦ 2.3 c, 2.4 a, b. c ◦ 3.2 a, b, c, 3.3 b, c, 3.4 b, c ◦ 4.4 a, b, c ◦ 5.2 b, c, 5.3 c
Revisions to the QR rubric that incorporate GC items include the following indicators: 1.4—Maintain a culture of mutual trust and positive attitudes toward learning that support the academic and personal growth of students and adults. Using data from attendance, OORS reports, the School Survey to guide improvements.
Each student is known well by at least one adult who helps to coordinate attendance, social-emotional learning and other child/youth development supports that impact the student’s academic success. School strongly supports students’ social emotional learning and academic development. Their voice and active participation influence school wide decisions.
Includes information on attendance, academics, behavioral strengths and weaknesses and next learning steps including performance on the CCLS tasks.
Planning and setting differentiated goals using data. Tracking progress on goals and adjust plans and goals. Having benchmarks and Progress Monitoring. Feedback to students/families that is specific enough to support students in mastering expectations and is understood by students and families. Providing guidance/advisement supports to ensure that students achieve them.
4.4 a—PD for faculty to sustain a safe, inclusive and respectful culture celebrating academic engagement and success as well as social- emotional growth. 4.4 b—Provides G/A supports for students and families such that students are on the path to postsecondary readiness. 4.4 c—Internal capacity and/or external partnerships to provide targeted, data informed child/youth development support services for students and families including academic, social- emotional, real world learning opportunities during the day and/or after school.
5.2 b--Regularly evaluate and adjust the ways in which data are aggregated and organized. 5.2 c—Regularly evaluate and adjust the process for sharing data with students and families ensuring that the information is accessible and helps students understand their next steps. 5.3 c—Systems for measuring progress toward interim goals
Focus on an indicator and turn and talk with colleagues