Buying Food Package or weight
Package or bottle
Weight Foods FruitsVegetables
Other Weight Foods Candy and ChocolatesBread
Using a Scale 1. Put food in a bag Don’t touch it! Use tongs! Put in a plastic bag
Weighing How much is it? a. How much do you have? Read the scale. Eg. I have 2 pounds of bananas b. What is the cost per pound? Eg. Banana $1 / lb (pound) How much will the BANANAS cost? 2 pounds/kg X $1/pound/kg = $2
Weighing Mushrooms a. How much do you have? Read the scale. Eg. I have 3.2 pound/kg of mushrooms What is the cost per pound/kg? eg. Mushrooms $.49/pound MUSHROOMS How much will it cost? 3.2 pounds/kg X $.49/pound = $1.57
How are these foods sold? Package? Weight? Bulk?
How are these foods sold? Package? Weight? Bulk?
How are these foods sold? Package? Bulk? Weight?
WHAT DID YOU LEARN TODAY? How is food sold? Is everything the same? What’s different?