Wijmo Troy Taylor
What is Wijmo? -Wijmo is a kit of over 40 UI widgets, optimized for client-side web development. -HTML5 -jQuery -CSS3 -SVG
What is Wijmo? -Cross Browser Support -IE6+, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari -Also works on mobile devices
What is Wijmo? -Built on jQuery UI -Widget Factory -CSS Frameworks -Animation -Drag and Drop
What is Wijmo? -Wijmo now supports Knockout. -What is Knockout? -Knockout is an implementation of JavaScript made for creating rich, responsive display and editor user interfaces with a clean underlying data model. Anytime you have sections of UI that update dynamically (e.g., changing depending on user actions or when an external data source changes) KO can help you implement it more simply and maintainably.
Theming Wijmo -Use one of the premium themes offered by Wijmo -Choose a jQuery UI theme -Create your own theme using Themeroller
Potential Questions Name a feature of Wijmo’s compatibility with Knockout. -Dynamically updating data displays What must you do when using Knockout in your web page or app? -Create and initialize a ViewModel. What can you do if you don’t like Wijmo’s available theme options? -Customize a theme with Themeroller.
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