Using Drugs Properly Drug – non food substance taken into the body that can change the structure or the function of the body or mind Medicine – drug that is used to treat an illness or relieve pain
Read Package label Directions explain medications purpose and how to use it Warnings about any side effects and when to ask a doctor before using the medicine A list of active ingredients The expiration date, which is the date after which the medicine should not be used
Misusing and Abusing Drugs Takes more than the recommended or prescribed dosage of a medicine or mixes medicines without asking a doctor Continue to take medicine after it is no longer needed Stops taking a prescribed medicine sooner than the doctors in instructions indicate
Misusing and Abusing Drugs 2 forms of drug abuse Illegal – Using substances that are illegal, marijuana, cocaine, LSD Legal drugs – Using a legal drug in a harmful way, painkillers
Marijuana Mood altering drug Made from leaves of the HEMP plant Usually smoked when rolled in cigarette paper, in pipe or mixed with food Can make you feel relaxed, sad, fearful, and suspicious Short and Long term effects – PAGE- 303
Stimulants Drug that speeds up the bodies functions Cocaine, crack cocaine Increases heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure Most stimulants are illegal People can become addicted to stimulants
Amphetamines Strong stimulant drugs that speed up the nervous system Come in many forms and can be smoked, inhaled, swallowed or injected Gives user feeling of energy and makes them stay awake Page 304 – side effects of amphetamines
Cocaine and Crack Cocaine White powder made for leaves of the coca plant Inhaled, injected, smoked Gives a brief feeling of power but quickly replaced by anxiety and depression First time users run risk of addiction or fatal heart attack
Crack cocaine and Cocaine
Cocaine and Crack Cocaine Crack Cocaine – concentrated form of cocaine When smoked reaches the brain in 10 seconds Produces feeling of energy and excitement, feeling only lasts about 15 minutes Then user feels depressed and raves more of the drug
Depressants Drugs that slow down the body’s functions and reactions, including heart and breathing rates Come in tablet or capsule form and are swallowed Doctors sometimes prescribe to treat sleeplessness or anxiety Tranquilizers
Depressants Make the user feel very relaxed Abusers experience mood swings or depression If mixed with alcohol can cuase coma or death
Other Illegal drugs Inhalants – substances whose fumes are breathed and produces mind altering sensations (glue, paint gas, spray paint) Causes nausea, vomiting and brain damage, coma, death
Other Illegal drugs Narcotics – Drugs that relieve pain and dull senses Some are legal but very carefully controlled by doctor Morphine and codeine, oxycotten
Other Illegal drugs Hallucinogens – drugs that distort moods, thoughts and senses LSD, PCP People may become violent, due to imaginary images sounds or distortions of real objects