Phoenix Satellite TV in China CSM Phoenix National Survey 2005
Methodology Survey conducted by CSM and was initiated by Phoenix Satellite TV and its business partners – Sany Heavy Industry Co. Ltd. Wei Chai Power Co. Ltd. Board Air-conditioner TCL Corporation Zenith Optimedia Shenzhen Green Apple Ad. Co. Beijing Public Century Ad. Co.
Methodology TV household Face-to-face interview Sample size = 5,403 (represents 367,311,500 TV HH) Hotels (3 Star+) CATI (Computer-assisted telephone interviewing) Sample size = 300 (3Star : 4Star : 5Star = 185 : 81 : 34) Covered all China Fieldwork time: Aug – Oct 2005 Stratified proportion (to population*) sampling *Population in China = 1,299,880,000 (Source from 2005 China Statistics Yearbook)
Methodology TV HOUSEHOLD Random, multi-stage proportionate sampling was employed, based on the structure of Chinese administrative system (with reference to the CSM National Establishment Survey 2004) : Urban --- Sample point --- Residents’ Committee --- Household Suburb --- Sample point --- Street/ Town --- Residents’ Committee --- Household Rural --- Sample point --- Street/ Town --- Residents’ Committee --- Household Residents’ Committees were sampled by PPS method (Probability and Proportionate Sampling). Household within committees were sampled randomly.
Methodology HOTELS (3 Star+) Random, multi-stage proportionate sampling was employed, based on the list of 3 Star+ hotels in China. Data collected: - No. of rooms/ beds - Occupancy rate - Duration of visitors stay in the hotel - Reception of Phoenix and other regional channels
Result – TV Household
Phoenix distribution in China Phoenix Chinese Channel % of Total TV Homes Million TV Homes Million people Phoenix Infonews Channel % of Total TV Homes - 31 Million TV Homes Million people Source: CSM 2005
Distribution of Phoenix Chinese increased by 25% in 6 years Million household Source: CMMR 1999 and CSM %
Distribution of Phoenix Infonews increased by 135% in 3 year Million household Source: Phoenix Marketing & Distribution Dept Feb 2003 and CSM %
Distribution of regional channels National distribution% Source: CSM 2005
Phoenix Vs other regional channel Monthly personal income RMB 2,601+ Source: CSM 2005; Regional channels (Phoenix Vs 28 regional channels) watch most often Top 10 channels Reach%
Phoenix Vs other regional channel Monthly household income RMB 7,001+ Source: CSM 2005; Regional channels (Phoenix Vs 28 regional channels) watch most often Top 10 channels Reach%
Phoenix Vs other regional channel Education level: University+ Source: CSM 2005; Regional channels (Phoenix Vs 28 regional channels) watch most often Top 10 channels Reach%
Phoenix Vs other regional channel Occupation: Government/ Enterprise management officials Source: CSM 2005; Regional channels (Phoenix Vs 28 regional channels) watch most often Top 10 channels Reach%
Phoenix Vs other regional channel Occupation: Government/ Enterprise officials/ technicians/ professionals Source: CSM 2005; Regional channels (Phoenix Vs 28 regional channels) watch most often Top 10 channels Reach%
Result – 3 Star+ Hotels
Phoenix distribution in hotels Phoenix Chinese Channel % Phoenix Infonews Channel % Source: CSM 2005
Distribution of regional channels 3 Star+ hotels % Source: CSM 2005
57 Million Phoenix Chinese viewers 3 Star+ hotels Phoenix Chinese annual reach in hotels (million people) Source: CSM 2005
27 Million Phoenix Infonews viewers 3 Star+ hotels Phoenix Infonews annual reach in hotels (million people) Source: CSM 2005