Kihci Askiy – Sacred Land An Initiative by the Indigenous Elders Cultural Resource Circle Society (IECRCS) May 2009
Kihci Askiy - Concept A land area for Aboriginal Cultural and Ceremonial activities within the City of Edmonton A place where the diversity of Aboriginal Cultures can practice ceremonies and prayer A place where Youth and Families can access cultural resources A place where Edmontonians can learn about the traditions of Aboriginal people
Kihci Askiy - Concept A much needed resource for Edmonton’s growing Aboriginal population A place for Aboriginal people to reconnect: identity, spirit, and purpose A place to learn A place of Natural and Cultural History
Kihci Askiy – Location
Kihci Askiy – Site Layout
Kihci Askiy - Ceremony
Kihci Askiy - Learning
Kihci Askiy – Special Events
Kihci Askiy – A Partnership Between IECRCS and the City of Edmonton Based Principles of Stewardship and Relationship Agreement: Sharing, Trust, Respect, and Renewal Provide opportunities for partnership programming and mutually beneficial activities A Legacy for the Future of Aboriginal people in Edmonton
Kihci Askiy - IECRCS A Council of Elders: 16 Members and Grand Council A Non-Profit Society in late 2006 To coordinate cultural resources for Aboriginal Edmonton Create opportunities for cultural access Already hold regular ceremonies and activities at land site
Kihci Askiy – Next Steps Opening and amending the “Whitemud Integrated Plan 2003” for Public Consultations in May Completed Review Kihci Aski component with Aboriginal community and General Public in May & June Completed Report back to Transportation, Asset Management, and Public Works Committee in September Completed Present recommendations to City Council in October 2009 for approval - Completed and Approved Develop a landscaping, architectural, programming and fund development proposal
Kihci Askiy – Thank You