Image Synthesis Rabie A. Ramadan, PhD 7
2 Image Rasterization
3 Rasterization and Fragment Processing A precise sequence of steps for converting primitives into patterns of pixel values in the framebuffer. Digital images created or captured (for example, by scanning in a photo) as a set of samples of a given space.
4 The graphics pipeline
5 Pipeline overview
6 Primitives
7 Rasterization First job: enumerate the pixels covered by a primitive Simple, aliased definition: pixels whose centers fall inside Second job: interpolate values across the primitive e.g., colors computed at vertices Will see applications later on
8 Rasterizing lines
9 Point sampling
10 Point sampling in action
Pixel addressing in raster graphics
Raster conversion algorithms: requirements visual accuracy speed
Line drawing algorithms
Line – raster representation
How does computer draw line? Screen made of pixels High-level language specifies line System must color pixels
Naïve algorithm for lines Line definition: ax+by+c = 0 Also expressed as: y = mx + d m = slope d = distance For x=xmin to xmax compute y = m*x+d light pixel (x,y)
Extension by symmetry Only works with -1 m 1: m = 1/3 m = 3 Extend by symmetry for m > 1
Problems 2 floating-point operations per pixel Improvements: compute y = m*p+d For x=xmin to xmax y += m light pixel (x,y) Still 1 floating-point operation per pixel Compute in floats, pixels in integers
DDA ( Digital Differential Algorithm ) m < 1
DDA ( Digital Differential Algorithm ) m > 1
DDA ( Digital Differential Algorithm ) m > 1
Digital Differential Algorithm input line endpoints, (x 0,y 0 ) and (x n, y n ) set pixel at position (x 0,y 0 ) calculate slope m Case |m|≤1: repeat the following steps until (x n, y n ) is reached: y i+1 = y i + y/ x x i+1 = x i + 1 set pixel at position (x i+1,Round(y i+1 )) Case |m|>1: repeat the following steps until (x n, y n ) is reached: x i+1 = x i + x/ y y i+1 = y i + 1 set pixel at position (Round(x i+1 ), y i+1 )
Bresenham's line algorithm d1 d2 xx+1 y y = m(x+1) + b y = mx + b
Bresenham's line algorithm (slope ≤ 1) input line endpoints, (x 0,y 0 ) and (x n, y n ) calculate x = x n - x 0 and y = y n - y 0 calculate parameter p 0 = 2 y - x set pixel at position (x 0,y 0 ) repeat the following steps until (x n, y n ) is reached: if p i < 0 set the next pixel at position (x i +1, y i ) calculate new p i+1 = p i + 2 y if p i ≥ 0 set the next pixel at position (x i +1, y i + 1 ) calculate new p i+1 = p i + 2( y - x)
DDA versus Bresenham’s Algorithm DDA works with floating point arithmetic Rounding to integers necessary Bresenham’s algorithm uses integer arithmetic Constants need to be computed only once Bresenham’s algorithm generally faster than DDA
Circle: naïve algorithm Circle equation: x 2 +y 2 -r 2 = 0 Simple algorithm: for x = xmin to xmax y = sqrt(r*r - x*x) draw pixel(x,y) Work by octants and use symmetry
Circle: Bresenham algorithm Choice between two pixels: Circle drawn so far …or that one Either I lit this pixel…