1 TRB Committee AHB50 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES COMMITTEE TRB ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA Monday, January 14, :00 AM to 12:00 Noon Marriott Washington B1
2 Agenda – AHB50 Call to Order Call to Order Welcome and committee introductions Welcome and committee introductions Formal introduction of committee chair Formal introduction of committee chair Recognition of emeritus committee members Recognition of emeritus committee members Ken Kobetsky Ken Kobetsky Jon Upchurch Jon Upchurch
3 Agenda – AHB50 Approval of the 2007 TRB meeting minutes Approval of the 2007 TRB meeting minutes Status Report from TRB Staff Status Report from TRB Staff Rich Cunard Rich Cunard Report from TRB Section Representative Report from TRB Section Representative Dan Turner Dan Turner
4 Agenda – AHB50 Results of the Paper Review Process Results of the Paper Review Process All TRB Papers Year Total Received Total Presented1688 (59%)1849 (60%)1759 (62%) Papers in Presentation888 (53%)935 (51%)867 (49%) Papers in Posters728 (43%)752 (41%)861 (49%)
5 Agenda – AHB50 AHB50 Papers Year Total Received2834 Total Presented1726 Papers in Presentation 88 (2 sessions) Papers in Posters918 Total Reviews125 (4.8/paper)149 of 172 (4.4/paper) Total published6 (23%)20 resubmitted – 8/9 (~25%)
6 Agenda – AHB50 Other Papers Information Other Papers Information Improved paper submission process Improved paper submission process Elimination of server delays Elimination of server delays Return to the Thomson Scientific ISI Citation Impact database Return to the Thomson Scientific ISI Citation Impact database
7 Agenda – AHB50 Paper award submission Paper award submission Sample 1 Sample 1 Readability (15 percent) Readability (15 percent) Logic (30 percent) Logic (30 percent) Relevance (20 percent) Relevance (20 percent) Applicability (15 percent) Applicability (15 percent) Contribution (20 percent) Contribution (20 percent) Sample 2 Sample 2 Readability (25%) Readability (25%) Breadth of Applicability (35%) Breadth of Applicability (35%) Impact (40%) Impact (40%) Sample 3 Sample 3 Innovation and Insight (40 percent) Innovation and Insight (40 percent) Contribution to the Transportation Topic (20 percent) Contribution to the Transportation Topic (20 percent) Excellence in Written and Visual Communication (20 percent) Excellence in Written and Visual Communication (20 percent) Breadth of Applicability (20 percent) Breadth of Applicability (20 percent)
8 Agenda – AHB50 Paper review process improvements Paper review process improvements Academic, public, and private sector reviewers Academic, public, and private sector reviewers Paper review subcommittee Paper review subcommittee
9 Agenda – AHB50 Summary of Ph.D. Student Session Summary of Ph.D. Student Session Mike Knodler Mike Knodler
10 Agenda – AHB50 Doctoral Student Research in Transportation Operations and Traffic Control Sunday, January 13, 2008, 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM, Marriott Michael Knodler, University of Massachusetts, presiding Doctoral Student Research in Transportation Operations and Traffic Control Sunday, January 13, 2008, 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM, Marriott Michael Knodler, University of Massachusetts, presiding Sponsored by: Traffic Control Devices Committee (AHB50), Traffic Signal Systems Committee (AHB25), Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee (AHB40), Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics Committee (AHB45), Work Zone Traffic Control Committee (AHB55), Operational Effects of Geometrics Committee (AHB65) Sponsored by: Traffic Control Devices Committee (AHB50), Traffic Signal Systems Committee (AHB25), Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee (AHB40), Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics Committee (AHB45), Work Zone Traffic Control Committee (AHB55), Operational Effects of Geometrics Committee (AHB65) A Real-time Performance Measurement System for Arterial Traffic Signals (P ) Wenteng Ma, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities A Real-time Performance Measurement System for Arterial Traffic Signals (P ) Wenteng Ma, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Examining the Application of Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Models for Analyzing Traffic Crash Data (P ) Srinivas Reddy Geedipally, Texas A& M University Examining the Application of Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Models for Analyzing Traffic Crash Data (P ) Srinivas Reddy Geedipally, Texas A& M University Evaluation of Drivers Performance in Response to Multi-threat Scenarios at Crosswalks with and without Advance Yield Markings and Symbolic Signage (P ) Lisandra Garay-Vega, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Evaluation of Drivers Performance in Response to Multi-threat Scenarios at Crosswalks with and without Advance Yield Markings and Symbolic Signage (P ) Lisandra Garay-Vega, University of Massachusetts, Amherst An Application of CODES Data Linkages for Crashworthiness Computations (P ) Heather A. Rothenberg, University of Massachusetts, Amherst An Application of CODES Data Linkages for Crashworthiness Computations (P ) Heather A. Rothenberg, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Methodology for Delay-Based Passenger Car Equivalencies for Urban Transit Buses (P ) Jarice D. Rodriguez-Seda, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Methodology for Delay-Based Passenger Car Equivalencies for Urban Transit Buses (P ) Jarice D. Rodriguez-Seda, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Analysis of the Effect of Vehicle Characteristics in the Severity of Two Vehicle Crashes (P ) Alejandro Angel, University of Arizona Analysis of the Effect of Vehicle Characteristics in the Severity of Two Vehicle Crashes (P ) Alejandro Angel, University of Arizona Recasting Dilemma Zone Design as a Marginal Cost and Benefit Problem (P ) Anuj Sharma, Purdue University Recasting Dilemma Zone Design as a Marginal Cost and Benefit Problem (P ) Anuj Sharma, Purdue University An Highway Work Zone Design and Traffic Management Strategy Decision System (P ) Yali Chen, University of Wisconsin, Madison An Highway Work Zone Design and Traffic Management Strategy Decision System (P ) Yali Chen, University of Wisconsin, Madison
11 Agenda – AHB50 Sessions this year at TRB Sessions this year at TRB
12 Agenda – AHB50 Session 297 New Ideas in Speed Signing and Pavement Marking Monday, January 14, 2008, 1:30 PM - 3:15 PM, Marriott David A. Noyce, University of Wisconsin, Madison, presiding Session 297 New Ideas in Speed Signing and Pavement Marking Monday, January 14, 2008, 1:30 PM - 3:15 PM, Marriott David A. Noyce, University of Wisconsin, Madison, presiding Sponsored by: Traffic Control Devices Committee (AHB50) Sponsored by: Traffic Control Devices Committee (AHB50) Estimating Advisory Curve Speeds on Rural Highways: Oregon Case Study ( ) Karen K. Dixon, Oregon State University Joshan Rohani, Oregon State University Estimating Advisory Curve Speeds on Rural Highways: Oregon Case Study ( ) Karen K. Dixon, Oregon State University Joshan Rohani, Oregon State University Analysis of Dual-Advisory Speed Signing on Freeway-to-Freeway Connectors in Texas ( ) Anthony Voigt, Texas Transportation Institute Charles Stevens Jr, Texas Transportation Institute Analysis of Dual-Advisory Speed Signing on Freeway-to-Freeway Connectors in Texas ( ) Anthony Voigt, Texas Transportation Institute Charles Stevens Jr, Texas Transportation Institute Driver Understanding of the Purpose of Red Retroreflective Raised Pavement Markings ( ) Jeffrey David Miles, Texas Transportation Institute Paul J. Carlson, Texas Transportation Institute Brooke R. Ullman, Texas Transportation Institute Nada D. Trout, Texas Transportation Institute Driver Understanding of the Purpose of Red Retroreflective Raised Pavement Markings ( ) Jeffrey David Miles, Texas Transportation Institute Paul J. Carlson, Texas Transportation Institute Brooke R. Ullman, Texas Transportation Institute Nada D. Trout, Texas Transportation Institute Modern Pavement Marking Systems: Relationship Between Optics and Nighttime Visibility ( ) David M. Burns, 3M Company Modern Pavement Marking Systems: Relationship Between Optics and Nighttime Visibility ( ) David M. Burns, 3M Company
13 Agenda – AHB50 Session 353 Using Traffic Signals to Enhance Intersection Safety Monday, January 14, 2008, 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM, Marriott H. Gene Hawkins, Texas A&M University, presiding Session 353 Using Traffic Signals to Enhance Intersection Safety Monday, January 14, 2008, 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM, Marriott H. Gene Hawkins, Texas A&M University, presiding Sponsored by: Traffic Control Devices Committee (AHB50) Sponsored by: Traffic Control Devices Committee (AHB50) Evaluation of Safety-Effectiveness of Selected Treatments at Urban Signalized Intersections ( ) Raghavan Srinivasan, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Forrest M. Council, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Craig Lyon, Ryerson University, Canada Frank Gross, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Nancy X. Lefler, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Bhagwant Persaud, Ryerson University, Canada Evaluation of Safety-Effectiveness of Selected Treatments at Urban Signalized Intersections ( ) Raghavan Srinivasan, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Forrest M. Council, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Craig Lyon, Ryerson University, Canada Frank Gross, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Nancy X. Lefler, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Bhagwant Persaud, Ryerson University, Canada Safety Evaluation of Flashing Beacons at Stop-Controlled Intersections ( ) Raghavan Srinivasan, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Daniel L. Carter, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Bhagwant Persaud, Ryerson University, Canada Kimberly A. Eccles, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Craig Lyon, Ryerson University, Canada Safety Evaluation of Flashing Beacons at Stop-Controlled Intersections ( ) Raghavan Srinivasan, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Daniel L. Carter, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Bhagwant Persaud, Ryerson University, Canada Kimberly A. Eccles, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Craig Lyon, Ryerson University, Canada Evaluation of Driver Stopping Behavior on High-Speed Signalized Intersection Approaches ( ) Ihab El-Shawarby, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Ahmed Mohamed Mostafa Amer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Hesham Ahmed Rakha, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Evaluation of Driver Stopping Behavior on High-Speed Signalized Intersection Approaches ( ) Ihab El-Shawarby, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Ahmed Mohamed Mostafa Amer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Hesham Ahmed Rakha, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Pedestrian Countdown Timers: Do Drivers Use Them to Increase Safety or to Increase Risk Taking? ( ) Steven D. Schrock, University of Kansas Brandon Bundy, University of Kansas Pedestrian Countdown Timers: Do Drivers Use Them to Increase Safety or to Increase Risk Taking? ( ) Steven D. Schrock, University of Kansas Brandon Bundy, University of Kansas
14 Agenda – AHB50 Poster Session 530 Traffic Control Devices Tuesday, January 15, 2008, Poster Session 530 Traffic Control Devices Tuesday, January 15, 2008, 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM, Marriott 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM, Marriott Sponsored by: Traffic Control Devices Committee (AHB50) Sponsored by: Traffic Control Devices Committee (AHB50)
15 Agenda – AHB50 Committee Membership News Committee Membership News Committee rotations in 2008 Committee rotations in /3 new members – 25 max. – by Feb. 15 1/3 new members – 25 max. – by Feb positions for young members (< 35 years) 2 positions for young members (< 35 years) position for international member position for international member Plan and form completion Plan and form completion Secretary and Chair pro tem Secretary and Chair pro tem
16 Agenda – AHB50 The duties of committee members are to: The duties of committee members are to: Assist in the review, summarization, and evaluation of available research findings on specific problems; Assist in the review, summarization, and evaluation of available research findings on specific problems; Assist in the preparation of committee reports; Assist in the preparation of committee reports; Prepare problem statements of needed research; Prepare problem statements of needed research; Make recommendations to the committee Chair concerning needed research within the committee’s scope and in other areas; Make recommendations to the committee Chair concerning needed research within the committee’s scope and in other areas; Advise the committee Chair and TRB staff of appropriate research that comes to their attention; Advise the committee Chair and TRB staff of appropriate research that comes to their attention; Assist in the preparation of reports and/or bibliographies on current practices; Assist in the preparation of reports and/or bibliographies on current practices; Review papers and other documents referred to them; Review papers and other documents referred to them; Offer their own papers for presentation and publication by TRB and encourage others to do likewise; Offer their own papers for presentation and publication by TRB and encourage others to do likewise; Assist in planning and developing committee ‑ sponsored sessions at the annual meeting, conferences and workshops; Assist in planning and developing committee ‑ sponsored sessions at the annual meeting, conferences and workshops; Participate in committee meetings through in-person attendance or by teleconference when unable to travel to the meeting; Participate in committee meetings through in-person attendance or by teleconference when unable to travel to the meeting; Answer committee correspondence and keep committee officers and TRB staff advised of their current contact information; Answer committee correspondence and keep committee officers and TRB staff advised of their current contact information; Serve on task forces of the Group or Section at the request of the Group or Section Executive Board; and Serve on task forces of the Group or Section at the request of the Group or Section Executive Board; and Perform other functions as requested by the committee Chair. Perform other functions as requested by the committee Chair.
17 Agenda – AHB50 Committee web site and listserve Committee web site and listserve TRB/TCD/index.html TRB/TCD/index.html TRB/TCD/index.html TRB/TCD/index.html
18 Agenda – AHB50 Future Committee Activities Future Committee Activities David Burns David Burns Others? Others?
19 Agenda – AHB50 MUTCD – NPA Discussion MUTCD – NPA Discussion Hari Kalla Hari Kalla Scott Wainwright Scott Wainwright
20 Agenda – AHB50 Break and Networking Break and Networking 15 minutes 15 minutes
21 Agenda – AHB50 Presentation – Illuminated Signing Presentation – Illuminated Signing Jeff Reuter Jeff Reuter
22 Agenda – AHB50 Old Business Old Business Triennial Review and Strategic Plan (TSP) Triennial Review and Strategic Plan (TSP) Past Chairs Committee Reviewers Past Chairs Committee Reviewers Research Needs Statements Research Needs Statements Kim Eccles Kim Eccles
23 Agenda – AHB50 Problem Statements Problem Statements More than 700 statements in 31 subject areas have been included in the database as of December Each statement has been vetted through one or more of 135 TRB standing committees. The collection of research needs statements will be augmented and kept up to date by the TRB standing committees as part of their regular portfolio of activities. In addition, it is expected that the Technical Activities Council, Groups, Sections, and standing committees will use the database as a tool in conducting strategic reviews of transportation research needs in subject their subject areas, including the setting of research priorities and the identification of gaps. More than 700 statements in 31 subject areas have been included in the database as of December Each statement has been vetted through one or more of 135 TRB standing committees. The collection of research needs statements will be augmented and kept up to date by the TRB standing committees as part of their regular portfolio of activities. In addition, it is expected that the Technical Activities Council, Groups, Sections, and standing committees will use the database as a tool in conducting strategic reviews of transportation research needs in subject their subject areas, including the setting of research priorities and the identification of gaps.
24 Problem Statements Title - The title should be specific and concise, preferably not exceeding l0 words. Title - The title should be specific and concise, preferably not exceeding l0 words. Problem - A statement of the problem and the need, in one or more paragraphs. Problem - A statement of the problem and the need, in one or more paragraphs. Objective - A clear, concise, specific statement of what the research is expected to achieve and the benefits that may accrue. Objective - A clear, concise, specific statement of what the research is expected to achieve and the benefits that may accrue. Key Words- For classification purposes, suggest key words not apparent in the title. Key Words- For classification purposes, suggest key words not apparent in the title. Related Work - Provide a context for the proposed research by briefly describing related work currently under way or recently completed. Related Work - Provide a context for the proposed research by briefly describing related work currently under way or recently completed. Urgency/Priority - A statement concerning the urgency or relevance of the suggested work to transportation needs in general and/or an indication of the priority given this research need relative to other Research Project Statements generated by the committee. Urgency/Priority - A statement concerning the urgency or relevance of the suggested work to transportation needs in general and/or an indication of the priority given this research need relative to other Research Project Statements generated by the committee. Cost - Give best (ballpark) estimate of the cost of conducting the research proposed. Cost - Give best (ballpark) estimate of the cost of conducting the research proposed. User Community - A description of the audience that should receive this research problem statement (e.g., AASHTO, APTA, FHWA, NHTSA). User Community - A description of the audience that should receive this research problem statement (e.g., AASHTO, APTA, FHWA, NHTSA). Implementation - A statement describing possible ways in which the findings of the proposed research might be implemented. Implementation - A statement describing possible ways in which the findings of the proposed research might be implemented. Effectiveness - Give a best estimate of the societal impacts of this research. If possible, describe the relevant measures of effectiveness. Effectiveness - Give a best estimate of the societal impacts of this research. If possible, describe the relevant measures of effectiveness.
25 Agenda – AHB50 New Business – Discussion Items New Business – Discussion Items 2009/2010 Annual Meeting Sessions/Workshops ideas 2009/2010 Annual Meeting Sessions/Workshops ideas Specific paper topic call ideas Specific paper topic call ideas Web conference ideas Web conference ideas NCHRP Synthesis Topics/Problem Statements NCHRP Synthesis Topics/Problem Statements Jim Kalchbrenner, Bryan Katz, Scott Nodes, Beezy Bentzen, Ken Kobetsky, and Gene Hawkins Jim Kalchbrenner, Bryan Katz, Scott Nodes, Beezy Bentzen, Ken Kobetsky, and Gene Hawkins
26 Agenda – AHB50 The Technical Activities Council approved the following Technical Activities Action Plan in June 2007 The Technical Activities Council approved the following Technical Activities Action Plan in June 2007
27 Agenda – AHB50 1. Strengthen our Ability to Address Critical and Cross-Cutting Issues 1. Strengthen our Ability to Address Critical and Cross-Cutting Issues Provide leadership in identifying emerging, critical, and cross-cutting issues. Provide leadership in identifying emerging, critical, and cross-cutting issues. Maintain a top down link between TRB identified "Critical Issues" and standing committee activities. Maintain a top down link between TRB identified "Critical Issues" and standing committee activities. Develop more formal mechanisms to facilitate synergy among multiple committees in addressing critical and other cross-cutting issues. Develop more formal mechanisms to facilitate synergy among multiple committees in addressing critical and other cross-cutting issues. Conduct strategic review of scopes of all standing committees to assess coverage of critical issues, gaps, overlaps, and opportunities. Conduct strategic review of scopes of all standing committees to assess coverage of critical issues, gaps, overlaps, and opportunities. Increase opportunities to address common issues across different transportation modes Increase opportunities to address common issues across different transportation modes
28 Agenda – AHB50 2. Increase the Involvement of Key Constituencies and Groups 2. Increase the Involvement of Key Constituencies and Groups Increase involvement of federal agencies that are not currently TRB sponsors Increase involvement of federal agencies that are not currently TRB sponsors Leverage the new CRP and SHRP-2 programs to increase involvement of these constuencies in standing committee activities. Leverage the new CRP and SHRP-2 programs to increase involvement of these constuencies in standing committee activities. Establish closer ties with metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), local agencies, transit agencies, and toll authorities. Establish closer ties with metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), local agencies, transit agencies, and toll authorities. Enhance the ability of state DOT employees to participate directly in TRB committees, meetings, and activities. Enhance the ability of state DOT employees to participate directly in TRB committees, meetings, and activities. Attract greater private sector involvement in standing committees. Attract greater private sector involvement in standing committees. Involve universities with trans. programs that are not currently associated with TRB Involve universities with trans. programs that are not currently associated with TRB Involve more pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers, and other users of the trans. system Involve more pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers, and other users of the trans. system Facilitate greater involvement of individuals and organizations from outside the U.S. Facilitate greater involvement of individuals and organizations from outside the U.S. Promote greater diversity by increasing involvement of women, minorities Promote greater diversity by increasing involvement of women, minorities Establish more partnerships with associations representing key constituency groups. Establish more partnerships with associations representing key constituency groups. Do a better job of communicating to elected and appointed officials and decision makers the benefits of participation of their employees in standing committees Do a better job of communicating to elected and appointed officials and decision makers the benefits of participation of their employees in standing committees
29 Agenda – AHB50 3. Increase our Contributions to Identifying Needed Research, Monitoring Ongoing Research, and Sharing Research Results 3. Increase our Contributions to Identifying Needed Research, Monitoring Ongoing Research, and Sharing Research Results Employ a more strategic approach to development and updating of committees' research needs statements Employ a more strategic approach to development and updating of committees' research needs statements Make committees' research needs statements available as a comprehensive electronic database Make committees' research needs statements available as a comprehensive electronic database Generate more long term visioning and ideas for transportation research. Determine if there are gaps in research needs and initiate development of statements Generate more long term visioning and ideas for transportation research. Determine if there are gaps in research needs and initiate development of statements Include technology transfer and information dissemination as part of initial planning of research projects, conferences, and other committee products Include technology transfer and information dissemination as part of initial planning of research projects, conferences, and other committee products Facilitate technology transfer and dissemination for completed TRB research reports, particularly practical applications Facilitate technology transfer and dissemination for completed TRB research reports, particularly practical applications Strengthen linkages between the TRB standing committees and the cooperative research programs, policy studies, and SHRP-2 divisions of TRB. Strengthen linkages between the TRB standing committees and the cooperative research programs, policy studies, and SHRP-2 divisions of TRB. Develop and maintain primer type guide for obtaining funding for research from TRB and other sources Develop and maintain primer type guide for obtaining funding for research from TRB and other sources
30 Agenda – AHB50 4. Optimize the Effectiveness and Value of the TRB Annual Meeting and Conferences 4. Optimize the Effectiveness and Value of the TRB Annual Meeting and Conferences Plan for future Annual Meeting facilities and venues to accommodate the growing size and complexity of the meeting. Plan for future Annual Meeting facilities and venues to accommodate the growing size and complexity of the meeting. Determine how to accommodate increasing size of Annual Meeting technical program, including number of papers, presentations, sessions, and meetings. Determine how to accommodate increasing size of Annual Meeting technical program, including number of papers, presentations, sessions, and meetings. Address the issue of schedule conflicts involving related topics at the Annual Meeting. Address the issue of schedule conflicts involving related topics at the Annual Meeting. Evaluate the role and impact of exhibits and sponsorships at TRB Annual Meeting Evaluate the role and impact of exhibits and sponsorships at TRB Annual Meeting Evaluate the effectiveness and value of other TRB conferences and meetings. Evaluate the effectiveness and value of other TRB conferences and meetings. Re-evaluate schedule and program for the TRB Summer Conference Re-evaluate schedule and program for the TRB Summer Conference
31 Agenda – AHB50 5. Enhance the Quality, Stature, Accessibility and Usefulness of Our Publications 5. Enhance the Quality, Stature, Accessibility and Usefulness of Our Publications Make Transportation Research Record (TRR) journal series available online Make Transportation Research Record (TRR) journal series available online Make papers to be published in current year TRR available earlier and on more predictable schedule Make papers to be published in current year TRR available earlier and on more predictable schedule Increase the citation impact factor of the TRR Increase the citation impact factor of the TRR Improve stature of TRB’s paper peer review process Improve stature of TRB’s paper peer review process Consider year round paper submissions and reviews Consider year round paper submissions and reviews Publish reports in a more timely manner (e-circulars, conference proceedings, etc.) Publish reports in a more timely manner (e-circulars, conference proceedings, etc.) Formalize approaches to contribute to TRB e-newsletter and TRNews Formalize approaches to contribute to TRB e-newsletter and TRNews
32 Agenda – AHB50 6. Take Maximum Advantage of New Technology Tools for Communications and Information 6. Take Maximum Advantage of New Technology Tools for Communications and Information Make enhancements to Technical Activities Division webpages Make enhancements to Technical Activities Division webpages Use webcasts, e-sessions, conference calls, e- newsletters, and other technology tools to reach those who find it hard to attend meetings Use webcasts, e-sessions, conference calls, e- newsletters, and other technology tools to reach those who find it hard to attend meetings Increase TRB support for committee webpages Increase TRB support for committee webpages Re-evaluate visibility and accessibility of publications in light of greater reliance on electronic versions. Re-evaluate visibility and accessibility of publications in light of greater reliance on electronic versions. Evaluate and enhance communications portfolios of standing committees Evaluate and enhance communications portfolios of standing committees
33 Agenda – AHB50 7. Facilitate the Ability of Chairs to Effectively Manage, and Volunteers to Effectively Participate in Committees 7. Facilitate the Ability of Chairs to Effectively Manage, and Volunteers to Effectively Participate in Committees Reduce the administrative tasks that need to be addressed in order to leave more time for the exchange of ideas and information related to the committee's area of interest Reduce the administrative tasks that need to be addressed in order to leave more time for the exchange of ideas and information related to the committee's area of interest Better explain the administrative requirements and complexities for individuals to understand and for committees to deal with Better explain the administrative requirements and complexities for individuals to understand and for committees to deal with Provide additional tools/templates/reminders for use by committee chairs Provide additional tools/templates/reminders for use by committee chairs Increase training for committee chairs by TRB staff and peers Increase training for committee chairs by TRB staff and peers Increase recognition of volunteers Increase recognition of volunteers Further clarify and strengthen the roles of Groups and Sections Further clarify and strengthen the roles of Groups and Sections Improve direct communication between TRB and all members of standing committees Improve direct communication between TRB and all members of standing committees
34 Agenda – AHB50 TRNews paper reviewers TRNews paper reviewers Need volunteers to review TRNews articles when requested by TRB. Need volunteers to review TRNews articles when requested by TRB.
35 Agenda – AHB50 TRB webinars TRB webinars In September, TRB launched its webinar series. The inaugural webinar “Cable Barrier Systems: State of the Practice” was based on an NCHRP report. Three webinars had been presented as of early December, averaging 90 sites and about 150 individual participants per webinar. These webinars will bring some of the most popular TRB session topics to those who were not able to attend the original sessions. The webinars will also include presentations by those involved in preparing newly released TRB products and reports. Each webinar is about 90 minutes in length. Future topics are now being selected and scheduled. Access is through registration fees, which are waived for TRB sponsor organizations. In September, TRB launched its webinar series. The inaugural webinar “Cable Barrier Systems: State of the Practice” was based on an NCHRP report. Three webinars had been presented as of early December, averaging 90 sites and about 150 individual participants per webinar. These webinars will bring some of the most popular TRB session topics to those who were not able to attend the original sessions. The webinars will also include presentations by those involved in preparing newly released TRB products and reports. Each webinar is about 90 minutes in length. Future topics are now being selected and scheduled. Access is through registration fees, which are waived for TRB sponsor organizations.
36 Agenda – AHB50 TRB 2008 Theme – Partnerships for Progress; TRB 2008 Theme – Partnerships for Progress; Progress towards addressing TRB’s critical issues in transportation will not be possible without joint efforts and collaboration. Resolving issues such as congestion, infrastructure renewal, safety, funding, energy, environment, intellectual capital, security and infrastructure protection, and others will require partnerships among a myriad of players. The 2008 TRB Annual Meeting spotlight theme “Partnerships for Progress in Transportation” will explore past and recent experiences, and the need and potential for partnerships inside and outside of the transportation community and around the world. Progress towards addressing TRB’s critical issues in transportation will not be possible without joint efforts and collaboration. Resolving issues such as congestion, infrastructure renewal, safety, funding, energy, environment, intellectual capital, security and infrastructure protection, and others will require partnerships among a myriad of players. The 2008 TRB Annual Meeting spotlight theme “Partnerships for Progress in Transportation” will explore past and recent experiences, and the need and potential for partnerships inside and outside of the transportation community and around the world – Energy and Climate 2009 – Energy and Climate
37 Agenda – AHB50 TRB Global Initiatives feedback – impact on TCD committee TRB Global Initiatives feedback – impact on TCD committee TRB Globalization Initiative leaders are requesting feedback from our committee on how globalization is currently affecting and will increasingly impact our committee's areas of responsibility. Several of the TRB summer meetings this next year will have globalization as their theme. May wish to attend: TRB Globalization Initiative leaders are requesting feedback from our committee on how globalization is currently affecting and will increasingly impact our committee's areas of responsibility. Several of the TRB summer meetings this next year will have globalization as their theme. May wish to attend: Session 368, "Globalization and Its Impact on the U.S. Transportation Planning and Policy" on Monday, January 14, 2008 at 3:45-5:30 PM, in the Hilton International West. Session 368, "Globalization and Its Impact on the U.S. Transportation Planning and Policy" on Monday, January 14, 2008 at 3:45-5:30 PM, in the Hilton International West. If you would like to contribute to the TRB Globalization Initiative please contact Cindy Burbank at or Joedy Cambridge at If you would like to contribute to the TRB Globalization Initiative please contact Cindy Burbank at or Joedy Cambridge at
38 Agenda – AHB50 Subcommittee on emeritus members Subcommittee on emeritus members Demonstrate long-term service to TRB’s Technical Activities Division, having served on one or more of the Division’s standing committees for at least 18 years (with at least 12 years of active participation on the committee submitting the nomination), dedicated a career to TRB standing committee service and activities in the transportation field, and been an effective ambassador of TRB. Demonstrate long-term service to TRB’s Technical Activities Division, having served on one or more of the Division’s standing committees for at least 18 years (with at least 12 years of active participation on the committee submitting the nomination), dedicated a career to TRB standing committee service and activities in the transportation field, and been an effective ambassador of TRB. Served in one or more leadership positions of the TRB standing committee submitting the nomination, and provided leadership in implementing new activities, developing procedural changes affecting Technical Activities Division committees, guiding the organization and development of specialty conferences, and/or producing significant Technical Activities Division publications such as state-of-the-art reports and circulars. Served in one or more leadership positions of the TRB standing committee submitting the nomination, and provided leadership in implementing new activities, developing procedural changes affecting Technical Activities Division committees, guiding the organization and development of specialty conferences, and/or producing significant Technical Activities Division publications such as state-of-the-art reports and circulars. Authored papers or reports published in TRB publications and/or served on cooperative research program panels or other committees. Authored papers or reports published in TRB publications and/or served on cooperative research program panels or other committees.
39 Agenda – AHB50 Midyear meeting(s) Midyear meeting(s) Conference call? Conference call? NCUTCD Meeting? NCUTCD Meeting? Other Business Other Business Announcements Announcements
40 Agenda – AHB50 Adjourn!! Adjourn!! Look forward to working with all of you. Thanks!! Look forward to working with all of you. Thanks!!