Meet the Year 4 team Jenny Hodgkinson Rowan Class Teacher Helen Harvey Spruce Class Teacher Trish Gilbert Teaching Assistant Priya Patel Trainee Teacher
Meet the Year 3 team Mr Jaycock Lime Class Teacher Mrs Lee Hazel Class Teachers Mrs Bhogal Hazel Class Teachers Mrs Vickers Teaching Assistant Mr Sibson Teaching Assistant
Additional support Spanish Rachael Gray Physical Education Julia Kang
Our learning ethos
In our school, we aim to promote a safe and caring environment in which children feel happy and secure, learn to show respect for others, and are valued as individuals.
We asked and they said…
Expectations of the children Have pride in our school with impeccable standards of behaviour A thirst for knowledge and to do their best Show behaviour for learning Arrive at school ready to learn with: – School uniform and PE kit – Permissible jewellery only – Organisers – Reading books
The children can expect A stimulating environment to learn and develop new skills Well planned and challenging lessons that will promote good progress for all Interventions and support for those needing it, including extra challenge Clear and consistent rules that are applied fairly to ensure a safe learning experience
The New Curriculum
Topics Autumn The Romans Spring Mexico Summer The Living World
National Curriculum 2014 Higher expectations of pupils at a younger age especially in core subjects Greater focus on English and Maths learning outcomes A ‘Mastery’ approach Computing and new technologies to include programming and coding
Support and keeping up to date
Your help Read regularly at home Set some time aside for homework tasks Help your children to arrive at school promptly in the correct uniform We have an open door policy and value working with parents
Keeping you in the loop Class blogs and Class Dojo Messenger Keep you updated on what is happening in class, for homework and in events involving your child… Virtual visits to the classroom Pictures and videos of learning Messenger service direct to Class Dojo.
Keeping you in the loop Useful information to take away SEN Parent leaflet Topic webs E-safety Parent leaflet Useful website for parents to guide in safe settings for all children’s gadgets!
Y4 Residential Kingswood Dearne Valley Residential October 7 th -9 th 2015 Information pack Blog pages on Rowan and Spruce class blogs Kit lists Programme of activities Check of medical and dietary requirements Itinery – setting off and return times.