1 “Migration & Mobility: Challenges and opportunities for EU education systems” The Green Paper and the results of the public consultation Group of National.


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Presentation transcript:

1 “Migration & Mobility: Challenges and opportunities for EU education systems” The Green Paper and the results of the public consultation Group of National Experts on the Education of Migrants, 26 October 2009 Gelu Călăcean European Commission, DG Education and Culture

Why the Green Paper? Increased migration and intra-EU mobility flows: challenge and opportunity for EU education systems Mandate of March 2008 European Council Aims of the Green Paper: –Analysis of the issue –Debate on how to address it –Reflect on what can be done at EU level (including a debate on the 1977 Directive on the education of children of migrant workers) Increased migration and intra-EU mobility flows: challenge and opportunity for EU education systems Mandate of March 2008 European Council Aims of the Green Paper: –Analysis of the issue –Debate on how to address it –Reflect on what can be done at EU level (including a debate on the 1977 Directive on the education of children of migrant workers)

3 Focus of the Green Paper Broad focus: both 1 st and 2 nd generation, both EU or third countries Focus on the combination of linguistic and cultural difference with socio-economic disadvantage, its tendency to be concentrated in certain areas and particular schools. Broad focus: both 1 st and 2 nd generation, both EU or third countries Focus on the combination of linguistic and cultural difference with socio-economic disadvantage, its tendency to be concentrated in certain areas and particular schools.

What? The issue Significant educational difficulties for migrant pupils, as revealed by all international tests In some countries, second generation performs even worse (as revealed by PISA) Lower participation and later enrolment in early childhood education and care Double rate of early school leaving compared with non-nationals Significant educational difficulties for migrant pupils, as revealed by all international tests In some countries, second generation performs even worse (as revealed by PISA) Lower participation and later enrolment in early childhood education and care Double rate of early school leaving compared with non-nationals

What? The issue A challenge for society: perpetuates exclusion and undermines social cohesion A challenge for education systems: –Diversity of languages, cultures and achievement levels –School segregation –Increasing polarisation derived from "white flight” Diversity is a resource, but skills are needed to use it as such A challenge for society: perpetuates exclusion and undermines social cohesion A challenge for education systems: –Diversity of languages, cultures and achievement levels –School segregation –Increasing polarisation derived from "white flight” Diversity is a resource, but skills are needed to use it as such

101 contributions European Parliament 19 European associations 19 Member States + Norway Committee of Regions European Economic and Social Committee

Contributions by type of organisation

Contributions by country

Analysis of the causes of disadvantage (as suggested in the Green Paper) The individual background of migrant pupils:The individual background of migrant pupils: - Lower socio-economic background - Different language at home - Family and community expectations - Lack of role models The educational context matters:The educational context matters: - Segregation - Ability grouping and selection - Preparedness of teachers to deal with diversity The individual background of migrant pupils:The individual background of migrant pupils: - Lower socio-economic background - Different language at home - Family and community expectations - Lack of role models The educational context matters:The educational context matters: - Segregation - Ability grouping and selection - Preparedness of teachers to deal with diversity

Policy challenges identified by contributors to the consultation

Policy responses (as suggested by the Green Paper) Overall equity strategies seem more effective pre-school education language learning mentoring and tutoring intercultural education partnerships with families and communities preventing segregation and desegregating “ghetto” schools high quality standards in all schools, especially in relation to teaching and leadership Overall equity strategies seem more effective pre-school education language learning mentoring and tutoring intercultural education partnerships with families and communities preventing segregation and desegregating “ghetto” schools high quality standards in all schools, especially in relation to teaching and leadership

Policy responses identified by contributors to the consultation

Policy responses – main points of disagreement Value added of mother tongue support / bilingual approachesValue added of mother tongue support / bilingual approaches Potential segregation effects of classes for language support or for introduction of newly arrivedPotential segregation effects of classes for language support or for introduction of newly arrived Early tracking, selectivity and permeability of tracks in the education systemEarly tracking, selectivity and permeability of tracks in the education system Policies for desegregationPolicies for desegregation Value added of mother tongue support / bilingual approachesValue added of mother tongue support / bilingual approaches Potential segregation effects of classes for language support or for introduction of newly arrivedPotential segregation effects of classes for language support or for introduction of newly arrived Early tracking, selectivity and permeability of tracks in the education systemEarly tracking, selectivity and permeability of tracks in the education system Policies for desegregationPolicies for desegregation

What role for the EU? (main trends emerging from the consultation) Almost all contributors see a role for the EUAlmost all contributors see a role for the EU Increase support through the existing programmesIncrease support through the existing programmes Support peer learning and exchangesSupport peer learning and exchanges More researchMore research Further integration and coordination with other policiesFurther integration and coordination with other policies Almost all contributors see a role for the EUAlmost all contributors see a role for the EU Increase support through the existing programmesIncrease support through the existing programmes Support peer learning and exchangesSupport peer learning and exchanges More researchMore research Further integration and coordination with other policiesFurther integration and coordination with other policies

Future of the Directive 77/486/ECC (main trends emerging from the consultation) Only 70% of the contributors expressed an opinion on it Broad consensus: The Directive no longer corresponds to current challenges However, no consensus on the future of the Directive 58% favour changing the Directive (to extend it) 32% favour repealing it (to use other means) 10% favour keeping it as it is Only 70% of the contributors expressed an opinion on it Broad consensus: The Directive no longer corresponds to current challenges However, no consensus on the future of the Directive 58% favour changing the Directive (to extend it) 32% favour repealing it (to use other means) 10% favour keeping it as it is

Next steps Council Conclusions (November 2009) Priority theme to be highlighted in Education & Training 2020 Open Method of Coordination Expert working group on early language acquisition Council Conclusions (November 2009) Priority theme to be highlighted in Education & Training 2020 Open Method of Coordination Expert working group on early language acquisition