September 8 th Attendance Quiz #1 Lecture One: The Sociological Perspective on Race & Ethnicity Homework: Nothing!
Lecture One The Sociological Perspective on Race & Ethnicity
Hasn’t Race Always Mattered? Primordial Explanations: race and ethnic identity is essential Innate and unchangeable Rooted in basic human nature Situational (social constructionist) Explanations: Socially constructed and based on the structure and dynamics of societies Evolving and changing
Race Race: categorizing people or groups based on phenotypical differences – skin color, hair, etc. Not correlated to genotypical differences Variability of Racial Distinctions Across time and space Religious National Linguistic
Ethnicity Ethnicity: defines individuals who consider themselves, or are considered by others, to share common characteristics which differentiate them other groups in society— distinct cultural behavior is formed Ethnocentrism: judge one’s culture to be superior to others
Race as Myth Categories of race and ethnicity emerge out of social processes – they are not natural Differences are given meaning the differences that are meaningful are social emergents Race is a social construct classifications of reality that are agreed upon or accepted
Race and the US Census In 1997 people could mark one or more racial category on US Census In 2000 Census: 97.6% said one race and 2.4% said two or more Self-fulfilling Prophecy: falsely defined situation, but because it is believed to be true, produces behavior that makes it true
Madrid: “Othering” Othering: is a way of defining and securing one’s own positive identity through the stigmatization of an "Other." White = American : Non-white = Other Diversity = the Other Difference…”as long as it stays in place” Madrid: Missing persons in American institutional life Allowed into American institutions, but not part of the foundation
Race as a Reality Systems of Power: race, gender, class (and sexuality) are mechanisms through which power is exercised in society and some lives are valued more than others Matrix of Domination: social structure is made up of multiple interlocking levels of domination Intersectionality of race, class, and gender
Oppression The experience of oppressed people is that the living of one's life is confined and shaped by forces and barriers which are not accidental or occasional and hence avoidable…(pg.45)
Reality of Oppression Oppression: systematic forces and barriers that negatively affect the opportunities and resources for specific social groups in society Interpersonal/Individual Prejudice and Discrimination Internalized Cultural/Symbolic Ideology Stereotypes “Dominant Culture” Institutional/Systematic Operates above & beyond individuals
Conclusion: Race is both a myth and a reality Socially constructed Structural realities Race is based in physical characteristics and Ethnicity is based on cultural characteristics We can’t examine race/ethnicity without examine other forms of oppression in society