Toward the development of northern water standards presentation to the MVLWB December 5, 2007 Kathleen Racher Water Resources Division
Auditor General’s Report 2005 The audit… “examined how well INAC has managed its responsibilities for the process set out in the MVRMA for the development of non-renewable resources in the NWT.” One recommendation… “INAC, in consultation with the boards under the MVRMA, should develop standards for water and the Minister should direct the boards to use the standards.”
INAC Response: Providing proponents with greater certainty 1.Ascertain the information needs of water users (with respect to water standards used by the boards to set licence terms and conditions). 2.In consultation with the boards, develop water standards and set them out in codes, guidelines, policy, or regulations as best fits the need.
What do we need with respect to water standards and in what form? “Toward the development of northern water standards: review and evaluation of approaches for managing water use in northern Canada” -Macdonald Environmental Sciences Ltd, 2007
Discussion Paper: Towards the development of northern water standards 1.Evaluate existing approaches to water management in the NWT 2.Review approaches used by other jurisdictions 3.Propose several possible options to address Auditor General’s concerns 4.For each option, outline a process for implementation
Factors considered in setting effluent quality criteria in existing licences Properties of the industry: Volume of waste- water Contaminant types Best available treatment technologies Properties of the water body: Baseline conditions Natural animal and plant species Volume, shape, flow Lake Water quality objectives: What residents said they wanted the water quality to be at specific locations
Option 1: Establish Uniform Water Quality Objectives for the NWT Natural water quality Protect drinking water use Protect aquatic life Use-protection approach Non-degradation approach 1) 2) Much more research required
Factors considered in setting effluent quality criteria in existing licences Properties of the industry: Volume of waste- water Contaminant type Best available treatment technologies Properties of the water body: Baseline conditions Natural animal and plant species Volume, shape Lake Water quality objectives: What residents said they wanted the water quality to be at specific locations
Option 2: Establish Industry-Specific Effluent Quality Criteria Based on an analysis of the best “practical” treatment technologies of each industry type. e.g., Metal Mining Effluent Regulations However, this analysis has not yet been done for: Diamond mining Quarrying Oil and gas developments Municipal developments
Discussion Paper: Towards the development of northern water standards Option 1: Establishing uniform water quality objectives Option 2: Establishing industry-specific effluent quality criteria. Option 3: Establish a process or procedure for defining the above that can be consistently applied but on a case-by-case basis
Option 3: Establish a Framework for Deriving and Applying Project-Specific Effluent Quality Criteria Long Range Vision for Water Quality Water Quality Policy (To clearly articulate what factors will be considered in the final decision making) Best Technology (where “best” is what is possible? feasible? affordable? Water Quality Objective (to protect all aquatic life? drinking water?) (dilution zone?) And/Or
Utility of a Water Quality Policy: Example Best Practices End of pipe limits Water quality objectives National water quality guidelines (e.g., CCME) Panel of Industry Experts: what is feasible? Protection of Aquatic Life
Development of a Water Quality Policy to Guide Decision Making Water quality objective: protect aquatic life (at a minimum) minimize contamination Best practices and/or treatment technology: consider what is possible understand what is feasible balance cost to proponent with benefit to environment Articulate: the balance we want to strike between economic development and environmental protection
Where to from here? “In consultation with the boards, develop water standards and set them out in codes, guidelines, policy, or regulations as best fits the need.” Steps? Distribute discussion paper INAC offers to meet with individual Boards to discuss options Tell us what option(s) you favour Have a formal collective discussion at next Board forum
Questions? David Livingstone Indian and Northern Affairs NWT-Region
Definition of “water standards” stand·ard –noun - something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison; an approved model - a rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment: -an average or normal requirement, quality, quantity, level, grade, etc -.standards, those morals, ethics, habits, etc., established by authority, custom, or an individual as acceptable