Kingswood Partnership Wokingham Partnership Friday, 6 th June, 2008 David Turrell Headteacher of The Sir Bernard Lovell School and Joint Chair of The Kingswood Partnership
Context Collaborative Diploma Delivery Quality Assurance and Kingswood Partnership Quality Assurance Framework Focus for the day
THE KINGSWOOD PARTNERSHIP Incorporating 14 – 19 Education at: Downend School : The Grange School Hanham High School : Kingsfield School Mangotsfield School : The Sir Bernard Lovell School and City of Bristol College - Soundwell Centre Kingswood Partnership
individual level institutional level partnership level Kingswood Partnership
ConstructionCreative and Media EngineeringSociety, Health and Development IT THE KINGSWOOD PARTNERSHIP Employers Training Providers Other FE Providers Higher Education Public ServicesSport & LeisureRetailTravel & TourismHumanitiesLanguages Science Land-based & Environment ManufacturingHair & BeautyBusiness Admin & Finance Hospitality & Catering 2009 The Kingswood Partnership Diploma Delivery Groups
A Partnership core team: Co-ordinator Assistant Co-ordinator Business Links Development Manager Two Offsite Student Support Managers Director of E-Learning + Administration/Finance/Data/E-Network support Kingswood Partnership
Management structure An agreed three year development plan Annual subscriptions/Fees structure Quality Assurance framework Common Post 16 timetable/single specifications Common Post 16 applications/assessment/reporting/guidance systems Shared database/website/prospectus Common calendar e.g. Professional Learning Days/parents’ evenings Extra-curricular activities Summary
Level 1 Diploma allocated 420 guided learning hours Collaborative Diploma Delivery
Choose X1 Science course Choice of Languages Level 2 Courses studies all day on TuesdayChoose X1 subject from the following additional subjects (see guidance handbook) Single Science + D&T GCSE Or Double Science Award Or Applied Science For your 1 st Language, choose from either the 1 st or 2 nd language you have studied in year 9 Art Subjects: Art & Design Media Studies Music Performing Arts (performance) Foreign Languages : Spanish, Italian, French & German Humanities: History Geography Psychology Philosophy & Ethics Information Technology Technology Food System & Control Textiles (Art) Textiles (Technology) Sport Extended/ after school (optional). In addition to the above options, students may choose to study one of the following subjects: Information Technology (CIDA) Or Music (BTEC) Or Product & Design (GCSE) Art & Design Business Construction (at City of Bristol College) Design Technology Engineering (at Downend School) Fashion Health & Care Humanities: X2 GCSE’s from : History, Geography, Philosophy & Ethics, Sociology Information Technology Media Studies Music Performing Arts (performance) Level 1 courses Salon Services Construction Motor Vehicles Care These Level 1 courses held at City of Bristol College 9-1pm on Tuesday. Students will return to school for lunch followed by their Vocational Studies (BTEC). The day will end at 4.30pm Year The Sir Bernard Lovell School
Half day 1 Day En Ma MFL PE Sci Additional Learning/ Specialist Learning Personal Development Curriculum/Generic Learning Principal Learning 2 GCSE ’ s Choice of Languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian (=2 GCSE ’ s) Single Science +? (BTEC course?) Double Science Applied Science Collaborative Diploma Delivery September 2007
September 2008 Column 1 Science Column 2 Principal Learning Column 3 Additional or Specialist Learning Choose ONE Science courseThese courses are studied all day on Wednesday. Choose ONE course from the list below Pleases express your interest in ONE course from the following list (following the options evening, further guidance and help in making a choice from this column will be given to all students) Single Science with Design & Technology (Restraint Materials) = 2 GCSEs Or Double Science Award = 2 GCSEs Or Applied Science =2 GCSEs or Triple Science = 3 GCSEs (This course may be available within the Kingswood Partnership to students gaining L6+ in their Science SAT examinations – in order to complete this course, students may be required to attend additional twilight sessions each week) Business Diploma (BTEC) Construction and the Built Environment Diploma (City of Bristol College) Engineering Diploma (Downend and Mangotsfield Schools) Creative and Media Diploma Choose from : Art and Design Or Design and Technology Or Multi-Media or Performing Arts and Media Humanities (GCSE) – choose any 2 from History, Geography, Philosophy & Ethics or Sociology Information Technology Diploma Public Services Diploma (BTEC) Society, Health and Development Diploma Sport Diploma (BTEC) Children’s Care, Learning and Development (BTEC Certificate) Geography (GCSE) History (GCSE) Sociology (GCSE) Psychology (GCSE) Art & Design (BTEC Certificate) Media Studies (BTEC Certificate) Music ( BTEC Certificate) Performing Arts (BTEC Certificate) Photography (GCSE) Product Design (GCSE) Food Technology (GCSE) Textiles Technology (GCSE) Textiles Art (GCSE) Information Technology (BTEC Certificate) Business Studies (BTEC Certificate) Foreign Language courses (CBLC) Japanese, Mandarin, Russian or Spanish available Construction and the Built Environment courses: A range of Specialist Construction courses are available at City of Bristol College Engineering courses: A range of Specialist Engineering courses are available at Downend and Mangotsfield schools Kingswood Partnership
Quality Assurance Q A Quality Assurance and The Kingswood Partnership Quality Assurance Framework
Quality Assurance Challenge How can a collaborative partnership assure high and comparable standards of teaching and learning across different centres as a student entitlement? Requires a Quality Assurance process which will enable quality to be measured in a way which strengthens collaboration, improves practice, celebrates best practice and is client focussed a robust framework for enhancing and assuring quality across 7 Partnership Centres which can be externally verified and which will link to a range of internal and external evaluative processes
Q A Some Common Quality Models client satisfaction model process management model results driven model personal development model value driven model Quality Assurance
The European Foundation for Quality Management Model Policy and Strategy Partnership and Resources People Leadership Processes Key Performance Results Customer Results Society Results People Results Criteria for Quality Management © EFQM (2002) How do the Partnership’s Personnel and resources achieve improved results in performance for stakeholders and the wider community? What is the role of leaders in shaping the quality policy and strategy? What are the QA processes that will enable improved results? Quality Assurance
Q A Quality systems which are: relevant and manageable student focussed transparent evidence-based and which invest in staff Quality Assurance
The essential components for the framework Quality Standards for verification Criteria By which quality is judged Assurance Systems which establish how quality is judged Quality Assurance
A quality framework may have a number of key purposes, for example to provide an overview of elements of quality a reference framework a checklist an instrument to enhance quality a normative framework of how to work with quality Quality Assurance Q A
Quality Principles A set of quality principles underpin the framework: there is public, explicit commitment to quality there is continuous improvement of outcomes and methods outcomes are student focussed the Partnership leadership enables contributions from all within the organisations common, continued professional learning for all staff is promoted Essential that the quality principles are adopted and modelled by all within the Partnership Centres. Quality Assurance
Q A high quality education for all student entitlement values stakeholders’ participation in self evaluation process rigorous approach to improving and sustaining standards Quality Assurance
Framework Contents Principles, including Communication Principles Framework Strands Learning and Teaching Assessment Achievement Retention Leadership and Management Shared Professional Learning Quality Assurance Q A
Q A Procedures and Checklists e.g. Induction Health and Safety Student Welfare Employers Complaints All procedures underpin the quality of the student experience and are essential, particularly for assuring quality in multi-institutional provision Quality Assurance
An example from the QA Framework: Leadership and Management Example Criteria leadership is focussed on raising standards and promoting the well being of learners there is good capacity for the Partnership to improve through succession planning Partnership teams have full representation from all institutions. They meet regularly and all participate fully in the decision making process for the benefit of the Partnership Quality Assurance
Leadership and Management Standard The Partnership has a common effective Quality Assurance system in place Process schools provide the Partnership Quality Assurance team with a summary of the Self-Evaluation Form (SEF), Section 6, City of Bristol College to provide their equivalent document members of the Partnership Quality Assurance team have interviews with the Head and 2/3 staff in each institution to assess the Leadership and Management of across the Partnership. Quality Assurance
An example from the QA Framework: Achievement Strand Standard Achievement and progress by students taught wholly or partly at another institution should match or better their progress in their Home Centres Criteria Comparative data indicates at least matched progress with home Centres Partnership Centres use value added nationally recognised measures required to judge student progress Quality Assurance
this team is responsible to the Kingswood Partnership Executive members make a commitment to participate fully in all the team meetings and activities the maximum expected duration of membership of the team is a period of two years team members agree to operate according to the Kingswood Partnership Quality Assurance Framework and agree to follow the standards set in Kingswood Partnership’s Communication Policy and Strategy team members undertake to respect confidentiality of data and to take account of data protection regulations each team member has a responsibility to report back on the Quality Assurance processes to the senior leadership in each individual institution team members will have the opportunity to participate in training and professional learning activities Cross Partnership Quality Assurance Team Terms of Reference
Quality Assurance Cycle
Next steps student entitlements, guaranteed by QA Framework, shared widely with students and parents QA Framework common standards tested and revised; ensure fit for purpose, realistic yet aspirational QA Framework must interlink with other, wider QA processes development work in QA undertaken with Partnership’s employer community substantial level of coaching and support to be provided for the Partnership’s QA team external validation for the QA Framework to be sought Quality Assurance
Dates of Future Learning Visits Wednesday, 11 th June, 2008 Wednesday, 9 th July, 2008 Kingswood Partnership
Useful links and Kingswood Partnership