CMPGN3007 & CMPGN3008 BSc Project Dr T.A.Etchells BSc Project Tutor
What is the Project? A year long module (36 credits) that aims: To develop and widen the student's experience of tackling a substantial problem selected from the domain of their programme. To extend the student's ability to communicate the solution to a significant problem.
Project Tutor: co-ordinates & administers the projects Supervisor: provides help and guidance the principal assessor of your work your main point of contact Moderator: second marker Academic Staff
Choosing a Project/Supervisor Option 1: propose your own project Option 2: staff- proposed project/area of interest
Induction Sessions Project Induction sessions in the weeks w/b 18 th September 2006 w/b 25 th September 2006
Project Proposal Form Option 1 or 2: Signed by your supervisor Special Requirements: Attach a brief description of your project To me by no later than 30 th September 2005
Project Specification Title, Name, Module Code Outline Description: Subjects to be studied A brief description of the background Problems to be addressed Aims, milestones and initial ideas Software and hardware constraints An outline plan of action and a time table
Project Specification Hand in to your supervisor by 7 th October 2005 Your supervisor will assess whether: The proposed aims of the project are worthy of a final year project. The outline plan of action and the time table are feasible for the student to implement.
Project Specification This document should be signed by you and your supervisor Returned to the Project Tutor (i.e. ME) no later than 14 th October 2005 Can you change later? Only be done with written permission of your supervisor Include in the Final Report (Appendix)
Log Book Record of your progress and difficulties Final Report - you have a body of work on which to draw Help with supervision Include in the Final Report (Appendix)
Interim Report Describes the state of your project at the end of the first semester Includes: A literature survey: background research related to the problem. Main scientific questions (to be) considered. Main methods and tools (to be) employed. Preliminary results: problems mathematically formulated, solutions found, algorithms designed and parts of the system. A revised project plan and timetable.
Interim Report Hand in to your Supervisor 18 th Jan 2006 Include in the Final Report (Appendix) It is worth 5% of the total Assessment
Project Presentation When? 16-20, January 2006: During Directed Study Week How long? A 10 minute time slot to describe your project Resources? OHP slides, Power Point and White Board Audience? Supervisor, moderator and another member of staff One or two questions What’s it worth? 10% of the total assessment
Final Project Report Very Important 85% of total assessment Must contain the following: Title, Author, Module Code, Course, Student Number, Supervisor and Year of Study Abstract Keyword List Contents Page Acknowledgements
Final Project Report Chapters: Introductory and Background Design and Development Project management : progress charts against the projected time scales Conclusions and Further Work References Bibliography Appendices : User and System manual, Listing of Programs, manual (where applicable), Log Book. Project Specification and Interim Report.
Final Project Report Should be handed in by: 24 th April 2006 A late submission is technically a failure and will prevent the award of an honours degree Two bound copies of the report Both copies will be kept by the University
Final Project Report Assessment: Overall quality of presentation Analysis of the problem domain Proposal of a suitable solution Effective use of suitable tools/techniques Testing or Feedback Conclusions Effective use of references
Project Assessment ContentMark Final Project Report85% Interim Report5% Presentation10%
Important Dates Content Deadline Project Induction (w/b) 19 th Sept 2005 Project Proposal Form (Project Tutor) 30 th Sept 2005 Project Spec. (Supervisor) 7 th Oct 2005 Signed Project Spec. (Project Tutor) 14 th Oct 2005 Project Presentation 16 th -20 th Jan 2005 Interim Report (Supervisor) 18 th Jan 2006 Final Project Report 24 th April 2006
Final Advice consult your supervisor regularly work steadily throughout the year talk to someone early if you have difficulties don't panic!
The project is a chance for you to work on something that interests you. Take this opportunity to enjoy the work !! Final Advice
Don’t forget! Keep looking at the School Projects Website You will find this PPT presentation there. If you don’t hand in the correct forms, I won’t know that you are an ACTIVE project student.