Meet the teacher Year 6
8.45- Early work- maths/ response time 8.55-Register Playtime- healthy snacks only. Our TAs are Mrs Aziz and Mr Walker
Timetable Maths, Literacy, Topic PE – Wednesday and Thursday Swimming- Summer Term, after Easter holiday
PE Kit in a PE bag. Plain white T-shirt Plain navy blue/ black shorts/ leggings Navy blue jogging bottoms Navy Blue sweater Trainers Please name all items
Homework Children have been given homework folders. Goes home on Friday Hand in by Wednesday Range of worksheets/ activities/ website activities/ open ended projects. Class Blog
Supporting children further at home… Spellings Reading. Encourage chn to read independently Also do continue to listen to children read. Mathletics passwords will be given out shortly. Keep checking school website…regularly updated with homework and activities relating to current learning.
Rewards Certificates- pupil of week, well done assembly certificates. Star chart Photocopy work and send it home Texts home Table of the week- Golden Time games Roles/ responsibilities…Assembly monitors, Playleaders, wake up shake up leaders, production etc
Tests Teacher assessments + SATs papers Teacher assessment in writing SATs- 2 Maths papers, 1 Reading paper and 1 SPAG paper. Revision guides home for Easter holidays Booster
Finally………. Any concerns/ queries come in any time. Thank you for coming!