Norman McCubbin1 Report from the Collaboration MICE Project Board (CMPB) Norman McCubbin Director, Particle Physics Department MICE/UKNF Oversight Committee.


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Presentation transcript:

Norman McCubbin1 Report from the Collaboration MICE Project Board (CMPB) Norman McCubbin Director, Particle Physics Department MICE/UKNF Oversight Committee January 2010

Norman McCubbin2 From CMPB to MPB…  At the last (July 2009) OsC I explained the considerations that lay behind the move to a revised oversight structure, adapted to the new Council (STFC) and MICE Phase II.  ToR (see next slide) for the new board (MICE Project Board = MPB) were agreed at the CMPB meeting of 11 September.  Chair and membership is being addressed by SPO. (MICE collaboration made suggestions.)  The plan is to have MPB set up in time for next Funding Agencies Committee (April 2010).

Norman McCubbin3 New MPB: ToR  Terms of Reference –To monitor progress of the MICE construction project and deliverables; –to advise on the progress towards the achievement of scientific objectives; –to monitor the management of the risks for the MICE construction project and deliverables; –to make reports to and to advise the Funding Agency Committee on progress in terms of risks, schedule, and costs, associated with the project and all its deliverables within the available resources; –to monitor the management of the project where appropriate; –to report to the STFC Project Sponsor and the International Funding Agency Committee. The Project Board will receive reports from the MICE collaboration Spokesperson, (currently Professor Alain Blondel) at each meeting. These reports will summarise the current project status, its major future milestones, schedule to completion (with appropriate GANTT chart and critical path), any cost to completion issues and identify the major remaining risks. Information on progress towards achieving scientific objectives should also be provided.  Timetable –The MICE Project Board shall meet at least every 6 months.  Membership –Chair and at least 4 members to cover the following areas; –a cross-member from the UK OsC, –a cross-member from MCOG, –up to two external expert on RF, superconducting magnets, accelerator systems, –an external expert on project management, –STFC MICE project officer – ex-officio –representative of STFC Host Laboratory – ex-officio –In attendance: MICE Spokesperson and Deputy Spokesperson

Norman McCubbin4 Meanwhile the old CMPB…  Has continued meeting roughly every six weeks  Since last OsC (July 2009) meetings on 3 rd August, 11 th September, 6 th October, 4 th December.  At least one further meeting planned (end January 2010).  Minutes and presentations are available at

Norman McCubbin5  Major issues: –UK funding:  Steps have been and are being implemented to ensure UK spend stays within 2009/10 allocation;  Major UK C&S review has reported to Janet Seed. –Major technical/scheduling issues:  New target; (Installed and working)  Decay Solenoid; (Now in routine operation)  Spectrometer Solenoids; (Now critical-path items)  Sub-station upgrade; (“Lab infrastructure”) –Very pleasing to see successful re-establishment of MICE data-taking with new target and operational decay solenoid. –We do not forget UKNF, but MICE does dominate the discussion. Major Issues over last 6 months

Norman McCubbin6  STFC was awarded a small sum (~220k Euro over 4 years) within FP7 EuCARD to support Trans-national Access (TA) to the MICE facility by researchers, including MICE collaborators, from the EU (except UK).  The CMPB considered and has recommended support for three applications received in summer 2009, for a total of ~30k Euros.  It became clear that the CMPB is not ideally set up to consider TA applications, and the new MPB is definitely not appropriate.  So we have take this opportunity to form a small group specifically to review TA applications.  Prof K J Peach has agreed to chair, with Steve Geer (FNAL) and Francesco Terranova as expert members. (MICE personnel will be available to advise, as required.) Trans-national Access (TA)

Norman McCubbin7 Conclusions  Last 6 months has seen the re-establishment of data- taking, and this has been a big boost.  UK spend for 2009/10 will match budget.  Meetings of the CMPB have been useful and constructive, and the useful and constructive elements will continue, though “packaged” somewhat differently.  As I said at last OsC, this is, I hope, the last report from the present CMPB!