Collaborative Learning Projects Share the excitement! Samples to engage. John Thomsen, ESU #3 HAL Coordinator
Collaborative Projects Projects that allow students to use digital resources to create new content in a collaborative endeavor with peers, and professionals knowing that their work will be shared with an authentic audience.
“Future City” National Engineers Week “The mission of the National Engineers Week Future City Competition is to provide a fun and exciting educational engineering program for seventh- and eighth-grade students that combines a stimulating engineering challenge with a "hands- on" application to present their vision of a city of the future.”
Future City gr. 6-8 Problem-solving ・ Team work Research Presentation skills Practical math and science applications Computer skills “Keeping Our Future City’s Infrastructure Healthy: Using Nanotechnology To Monitor City Structures” SimCity Software to create a City of the future. Scale Model
FC Getting Started: Training CD from ESU 3
Collaboration Opportunities: Online forum Alumni Resources
eCYBERMISSION Taking the science fair out of the auditorium and into cyberspace.eCYBERMISSION is a web-based science, math and technology assignment for 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grade teams. Team will propose a solution to a real problem in the community and provide a solution to the problem.
Real Problem Solution ・ Sports & Recreation ・ Arts & Entertainment ・ Environment ・ Health & Safety
Research your problem Write a hypothesis Conduct experiments Collaboration, Digital resources, Authentic Audience
Use Team Talk to meet with each other on-line using Discussion Forums, chat rooms and instant messaging. Answer the questions in your Mission Folder, and attach files such as photographs, survey questions, or even your own web site. ・ Contact on-line CyberGuides through Team Talk to help you work on your Mission Challenge. ・ Follow the links in the Mission Folder to resources like Help and Team Talk. Collaboration, Digital resources, Authentic Audience
K-12 Creativity and Technology ExploraVision encourages K-12 students of all interest, skill and ability levels to create and explore a vision of future technology by combining their imaginations with the tools of science. All inventions and innovations result from creative thinking and problem solving ExploraVision
K-12 Creativity ExploraVision is fun! ExploraVision can help all students Even those who haven't been high achievers Become interested in science and technology as they apply to everyday life (many inventors were average students or had difficulties in school) An excellent way to learn how to collaborate in groups on an interdisciplinary project
Criteria ・ Present technology (10 points) ・ History (10 points) ・ Future technology (20 points) ・ Breakthroughs (15 points) ・ Design Process (10 points) ・ Consequences (10 points) ・ Bibliography (5 points) ・ Simulated Web page graphics (20 points)
Grade k-3 Entry - “PolymerActived Life Saving”
Grade 4-6 Entry - “Sonic Brush Guard” Guard.htm
Entry Gr. 4-6 D.A.P.E.S. (Diabetes Assistance and Prevention E-System) implants a nanosensor in a tooth to analyze harmful food intake for adolescent diabetics.
National History Day
Research Centered Collaboration- Individual or group Research---Emphasis on Primary Resources Presentation--Oral, paper, display, media Metro March 15, 2008; Western Heritage Museum Nebraska- April 19, Nebraska Wesleyan University 2009 “ The Individual in History ”
Documentary --, Powerpoint, iMovie Junior- gr. 6-8 Senior gr 9-12 Group or Individual Entry Categories: Documentary, Exhibit, Performance, Paper, Web Site
The Rising Sun Sinks at Midway, featured 15 pictures, 26 pages of bibliography and four unique artifacts - a Japanese pilot’s bloodied bandana, an identification plaque and rising sun logo from a Japanese Zero and the helmet worn by USS Yorktown survivor Bill Surgi. Exhibits: Group or Individual
Authentic Audience Historical Quality 60% Relation to the Theme 20% Clarity of Presentation 20%
Flat Stanley Project
One of the many advantages of being flat is that Flat Stanley can visit his friends by traveling in an envelope or . The Flat Stanley Project is a group of teachers who want to provide students with a meaningful reason to write. Students' written work goes to other places by conventional mail and . Flat Stanley Collaboration on a sheet of paper
Primary Sources: Library of Congress Movies Recorded sound reference Center Motion Picture and Television Reading room Poetry Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division Library of Congress
Lincoln Papers Music Theater and dance Written word Politica Cartoons maps s/scrapbooks naratives Finding sources in the Library of Congress….
What every media specialist, content teacher, student, and enthusiast must have… compliments of Jeff I. ESU#3 100 ideas of places to make kids create, think and collaborate. Thanks Jeff.
ExploraVision Projects that allow students to use digital resources to create new content in a collaborative endeavor with peers, and professionals knowing that their work will be shared with an authentic audience.