Timetable Applied Materials, Wood Finishing & Reproduction 3 rd Year 2015 – J.Byrne 2015
Applied Materials, Wood Finishing & Reproduction Module is 20 Ects Module. This equates to a minimum of 400 learning hours for this module. It is of capstone importance and should showcase your learning for the past three years. J.Byrne
Module breakdown: For furniture or Joinery artefact Semester 1 2 hours per week class contact time 10 hours per week out of class work Semester 2 6 hours per week class contact time 6 hours per week out of class working on Capstone written. J.Byrne
Module breakdown: For the finishing aspect of this module. Semester 1 2 hours per week class contact time 2 hours per week out of class work Semester 2 2 hours per week class contact time 2 hours per week out of class J.Byrne
Class Timetable: Semester 1 Wk 1 Overview on module marking criteria. What is your Artefact? Brief on Proposal. Wk 2 Recap on Yr 2 Jointing techniques, veneers etc. Wk 2 Working on Proposal, ask questions. Viewing past Thesis work. Wk 3 & 4 Present Proposal for Artefact to class. Wk 5 Recap on Adhesives, Finishes. Time Management. Wk 6 Working on Thesis/Capstone presentation/ Poster Presentation * Wk 7 Review week (Furn. 3 practical) J.Byrne
Class Timetable: Semester 1 Cont. Wk 8 Estimated time charts Drawings & Cutting list Wk 9 Source material for written & practical. Give details of your material and machining requirements for manufacturing your Artefact. (Material will need to be ordered before Christmas to avoid delays also allocation of teaching hours, machine room, CNC etc.) Wk 10 Reviewing Written Project feedback in class (Laptops) Wk 11/12 Reviewing Written Project feedback in class (Laptops) Wk 13 Hand up of First part of Written Project J.Byrne
Class Timetable: Semester 2 Wk 1 submitting CAD Drawings Wk 1 & 2 Material breakout ( you will need a finished accurate cutting list to carry out this procedure efficiently. Therefore you will need detailed CAD drawings showing shoulder lengths, joint sizes and component sizes. Wks 4 to 10 Manufacturing Artefact including time for CNC if Requested in Sem 1. Wks 11 & 12 Finishing Artefact J.Byrne