The Sceneggiata
The story: It developed between 1920 and 1940
And it mixed: Songs …
… acting
And dance!
It left Italy:
To be shown in New York:
1970: The revival. With some of the most important Neapolitan performer:
Sal Da Vinci
Nino D’Angelo
Mario Merola 1970 In 1970, he became the star in many films that were translated and transmitted around the world "king of melodrama." Since 1973, Mario Merola became the main actor in some films that made him the "king of melodrama."
The character:
“Isso” (Him) He is the main character, the hero of the story who has inside all the typical values.
O’ malament (The bad one): He is the antagonist, he’s a man of the Underworld reality. He’s the boss or, in Neapolitan, O’ Guappo “O’ Guappo”
O’ comic : He, usually, narrates the story. He usually sings songs or plays tunes.
The audience: It has a strong effect in this plays. They show what they feel inside during the representation. So the author of that plays usually takes inspiration from the audience, writing what they want to see.
Massimo Troisi He rappresented the new Neapolitan commedy. He was born a few miles by our city, and he’s famous For his films and for “La Smorfia”, his troupe.
1996, He died when he was only forthy for an heart disease, but he’s a inspiration for all the Neapolitan young people. In 1996, He was nominated as “Best actor” at the Accademy Awards, for “Il Postino”, his masterpiece.
Enjoy the show… And have fun!