How to protect your computer By: Emily, Jackie and Kathleen
Some daily things you may not think about Some daily things you may not think about Don’t open attachments from out of the ordinary senders. Clicking on advertisements, i.e. “Which one is J-Lo’s booty.” & “See if you can hit the duck.” Don’t forget to sign out of your when using an outside computer.
How to get a Virus Lime Wire & Kazaa (free music) Downloading unknown files (e- mail attachments) Pornography Trading programs with others. Viruses can be hidden in a program and wont be released until you open the program, such as a “Trojan Horse” where you think your playing a game but it messes up your computer. “Worm” a virus spreading through connected networks. “Bonzi” a little monkey that seems nice but IS NOT!
How a Virus affects your computer A virus disables your PC by multiplying itself in your computer's memory or on the hard drive. Many times when the virus creator makes the virus, they don’t intend for the virus to mess up some of the things that it does.
How to get rid of a Virus Go to your virus-scan software manufacturer's Web site and install any virus updates that are available. The software may not be able to delete the virus, but probably will be able to identify it. When you know what the virus is, search the web for it and find out what it affects Download and install a program that targets your specific virus. Run another scan to find out if that virus has successfully been deleted.
FIREWALL! Unfortunately viruses are not the only threats to your computer, there are also hackers and identity thefts. Virus protectors do not protect against these problems. You need Firewall protection. Firewalls are made to prevent unauthorized access to your computer.
FIREWALL pt. 2 Firewall acts like a locked door, it protects your computer from any intruder entering. When you set your firewall to a certain criteria, your computer will only allow the specific data that meets the requirement. Anything that isn’t allowed by your firewall is blocked.
Keep your computer protected Using an antivirus program is the best way to keep your computer virus-free. Symantec and McAfee are the most popular antivirus programs. You need to use hard-to-guess passwords on your accounts, DON’T use the same password for multiple accounts.
Main Points 1. Don’t open or click on anything that you aren’t familiar with. 2. Don’t download things that are for “free” or trade programs with others. 3. You should keep programs on your computer that scan files on a regular basis checking for viruses. 4. If you end up having a virus, put protection on it immediately. 5. Make sure to have Firewall protection on your computer, fit to what your needs are. 6. Make sure to use passwords that aren’t easy to guess and different ones for each different account.
Computer safety!!