11/7 & 11/8 - 7 th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about diffusion and osmosis Last Day to turn in late work Collect HW: Reading Guide Chap 3 Section 3 Class work: Reading Guide Chap 3 Section 4 Collect Cell Model New Jobs Video: Bill Nye Cells Class Reading p.104 – 119 HW: Reading & Note Taking p Reminder Chap 3 Test on 11/9 & 11/10
Reflection Name 2 important organic compound in our body and also describe what it does.?
Last day to turn in late work for this Quarter
What are cells and organelles made out of? Chemicals
What are chemicals made out of? Comp_________ Can you give me examples of compounds? Water, Sugar, Alcohol, Carbon Dioxide ounds
Compound When two or more elements comb_____ chemically, they form a compound ine
Elements Element is any substance that cannot be br_______ down into simpler substance. oken
Compound Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids are important groups of organic com_____________ in living things pounds
Organic Compounds vs Inorganic Compounds What is the difference between organic and inorganic compounds? Organic compounds have the element carbon (and Hydrogen)
Carbohydrates A carbohydrate is an en______ rich organic compound made up of car______, sugar and oxygen. Carbohydrates are used to fuel our body Sug____ and starches are examples of carbohydrates. ergy ars bon
Lipids = Fat Lipids are ene______ rich organic compounds made of car______, hydrogen and oxygen Lipids are used by our ner____ cells Fats, oils and waxes are all lipids rgy bon ve
Proteins Proteins are large organic molecules made of car_____, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen. Proteins are used to build mus_____, skin and bone cells Food that are high in protein include me___, eggs, fi_____, nuts and beans at sh bon cle
Enzymes An enzyme is a type of protein that speeds up a che______ reaction in a living thing. For example, enzymes in your saliva speed up the dige______ of food. mical stion
Nucleic Acids Nucleic acids contain the inst________ that cells need to carry out all the functions of life. DNA and RNA are Nucleic Acids ructions
What are the organic compounds found in cells? Carboh______ Lip_____ Pro_____ Nuc______ Acid ydrates ids tein leic
Diffusion Diffusion is the main method by which small molecules m___ across the cell mem______. ove brane
What causes diffusion? Collisions of molecules
Osmosis Osmosis is the diffusion of wa_____ molecules through a selectively permeable mem_____ ter brane
Passive Transport The mov________ of dissolved materials through a cell membrane with___ using cellular energy Diffusion and osmosis are examples of Passive Transport ement out
Active Transport The movement of materials through a cell membrane using cellular ene____ rgy
What is the difference between Passive Transport and Active Transport Active Transport Passive Transport Don’t use energy Use energy
Microscopes Magnification: How la______ an image can appear. Resolution: How sh______ an image can appear rge arp
Which image has higher resolution? A B
Which image has higher magnification? A B
What is the total magnification of the microscope? 10X 20X 10 X 20 = 200
What is the total magnification of the microscope? 10X 15X 10 X 15 = 150