Early Math with Thinking from Douglas Clements etariat/snapshots/doug.html Fall, 2012
Our Moral Imperative apshots/doug.html
Young children love to think mathematically. They become exhilarated by their own ideas and the ideas of others. To develop the whole child, we must develop the mathematical child…High-quality mathematics throughout early childhood does not involve pushing elementary arithmetic onto younger children. Instead good education allows children to experience mathematics as they play in and explore their world. Learning and Teaching Early Math-The Learning Trajectories Approach, Clements, D.H. and Sarama, J.
Learning Trajectories apshots/doug.html
Discuss what Douglas Clements’ thinking might mean to your district, school, and classroom.
Intentional Play-based Learning Doug Clements addresses the need for teachers to recognize the “teachable moments” during play in order to stretch children’s understanding and to lay the foundations for thinking.
Intentional Play-based Learning apshots/doug.html
Intentional Instruction apshots/doug.html
Professional learning must be closely aligned to student learning needs – in other words, focused on adult learning that will enable educators to provide the context and learning conditions to build the necessary knowledge, skills and self-regulatory skills students need to demonstrate independently in order to be successful in all areas of learning. Katz, Earl & Jaafar 2009