Via Hanseatica tourism route: enhancing our heritage and advancing our regions 10 th of June 2013, Sigulda Sille Talvet Project Coordinator Vidzeme Planning Region / Gravitas Consult LLC
Transnational tourism route connecting Russia, Estonia and Latvia Rich in attractive locations and unique objects
Why Via Hanseatica? Why here? Why together? Via Hanseatica is the name attributed to the trans-European transport corridor from Lübeck to St. Petersburg Via Hanseatica in the Baltic States and Leningrad region passes mainly remote regions of these countries regions which do not get many visitors but have extensive cultural heritage and breathtaking nature By: putting together well-known name with positive image, using the official transport corridor, using existing resources (our heritage, sites and services), and marketing it all together as one product, we create for our regions a beneficial new product!
Past of Via Hanseatica in the Baltic States First ideas for joint development of the region. – not only about tourism development (also logistics, transport etc.) Official cooperation with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Cooperation memorandum between regional partners of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on VH development Baltic Parliamentary Assembly appeal on joint development of Via Hanseatica New start (with Russian involvement)!
3 years ( ) funding from Estonia – Latvia – Russia ENPI Cross-border Cooperation Programme supports us in: – Increasing attractiveness and accessibility of VH objects – Advancing the knowledge and expertise of service providers (trainings) – Creation of strong and sustainable network of VH stakeholders with special attention to private sector involvement (trainings) – Creation of VH products (thematic & territorial packages) – Promoting VH through various channels Present development of Via Hanseatica
Network of stakeholders: developers, officials, entrepreneurs Package development: themes, routes Training for service providers and guides Strong network, cooperation structure and strategy for future Package development and networking
Introducing Via Hanseatica as one attractive region! Modern and easily usable travel planner Travel application for mobile devices. Promotional video teasers presenting VH and its assets Travel guide Promoting Via Hanseatica and its services/attractions in international tourism fairs Organizing FAM tours for tour operators and agents to your sites Marketing actions of VH
Supporting physical visibility and investment actions VH road signs VH object signs VH information boards VH information terminals Small-scale investments to objects Preparation of technical documentations (design, construction) for objects with high development potential
2015 Via Hanseatica is a known route and destination for tourists coming to Estonia, Latvia and north-west part of Russia AND productive income source for local people and regions. CooperationPackages Joint promotion Future of Via Hanseatica
VH tourist