1 Chinese Language Curriculum For Primary Schools (P5P6) Implemented in 2009 The Singapore Education Service - Moulding the Future of Our Nation
Chinese Language Curriculum and Pedagogy Review Committee set up in Feb 2004 in response to changing home background of students. The government accepted all the recommendations in Nov Background
Differentiated Objectives for Range of CL Students All CL students: enthuse them to learn CL Majority of students: focus on oral communication and reading; writing to reinforce language skills Students with ability and interest: develop fluency in all four language skills and good understanding of Chinese culture An essential group of students: achieve both high proficiency in four language skills and an intuitive understanding of culture and contemporary developments in China
Implementation Timeline for the Pri CL Curriculum P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P
5 P5P6 CL Curriculum
Curriculum Structure P3 / P4P1 / P2 CL + Core Module Bridging Module / School-based Module / Enrichment Module CL + Core Module Reinforcement Module / School-based Module / Enrichment Module P5 / P6 FCL + Core Module School-based Module CL + Core Module School-based Module / Enrichment Module HCL + Core Module School-based Module / Enrichment Module HCL + Core Module School-based Module / Enrichment Module HCL + Core Module School-based Module / Enrichment Module
P5P6 Framework Chinese Learning Points Higher Chinese Themes Characters
Points to Note for HCL Students Only required to purchase and use one set of HCL instructional materials Still required to sit for both CL and HCL papers for PSLE Still entitled to the HCL bonus points when applying to SAP secondary schools
10 Parent Support
Encourage children to speak to family members in Mandarin Encourage your child to read good Chinese books Public libraries Audio books, electronic books Student Newspapers Expose your child to good Chinese television programmes, e.g. cartoons
Parent Support Tap on the environment such as road signs and advertisements to engage your child in Chinese conversations during outings Allow the children to learn through meaningful games
Parent Support Do not excessively correct children’s mistakes Build up their confidence Children are more willing to use the language, and thus will acquire it better
14 Information on CL Learning Resources
1. Syllabus for CL Curriculum 2007 [available only in Chinese] 2. Brochure for CL Curriculum Information on CL Learning Resources 3.Digital Instructional Resources (DIR) for the new CL Curriculum
4. Happy Town 5. The iFlashbook: an Online Interactive CL Textbook Information on CL Learning Resources 6. “Happy Reading Express – School-based Reading Curriculum Guide” ON SALE! (Singapore: Lingzi Media PTE LTD, 2008)
7.Recommended CL Supplementary Readers 2008 (Updated version) Information on CL Learning Resources 8. Thumbs Up: a CL Newspaper for Primary School Children 9. Schoolbag
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