1 « Poultry HPAI Vaccination: Decision Making » Dr Christianne Bruschke Scientific and Technical Department GDLN seminar Paris, 17 October 2007
2 OIE documents on HPAI Vaccination OIE Terrestrial Manual: Chapter I.1.7: Principles of Veterinary Vaccine ProductionChapter I.1.7: Principles of Veterinary Vaccine Production Chapter : Highly Pathogenic Avian InfluenzaChapter : Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza In Collaboration with FAO: OIE information document on avian influenza vaccination (March 2006)OIE information document on avian influenza vaccination (March 2006) OIE guidelines on vaccination against HPAI (May 2007)OIE guidelines on vaccination against HPAI (May 2007)
3 Guidelines on the implementation of AI Vaccination To guide countries in their decision making on the implementation of eradication strategies including vaccination To establish detailed guidelines and a checklist for the application, monitoring, precautionary measures of vaccination strategies
4 Strategy from Beginning: To Minimize Threat at Animal Source Early detection and early warningEarly detection and early warning Rapid and transparent notificationRapid and transparent notification Rapid confirmation of suspectsRapid confirmation of suspects Rapid responseRapid response use of vaccination when available and if appropriateuse of vaccination when available and if appropriate
5 Vaccination Induction of immune responseInduction of immune response Protection against morbidity, mortality and decline of egg productionProtection against morbidity, mortality and decline of egg production Higher resistance to infectionHigher resistance to infection Decrease of virus sheddingDecrease of virus shedding Reduction of spread between birds and flocksReduction of spread between birds and flocks Vaccination should always be complemented by other measures like increase biosecurity, movement controls and stamping out
6 Analysis before Vaccination decision National regulationsNational regulations Local epidemiological situationLocal epidemiological situation Zoo-technical aspectsZoo-technical aspects Socio-economic aspectsSocio-economic aspects Capacity of the Veterinary ServicesCapacity of the Veterinary Services Financial situationFinancial situation Availability of sufficient high quality vaccineAvailability of sufficient high quality vaccine Trade implicationsTrade implications
7 Local epidemiological situation Knowledge of the outcome surveillance systemKnowledge of the outcome surveillance system Status neighboring countriesStatus neighboring countries Status trade partnersStatus trade partners Presence of legal or illegal international tradePresence of legal or illegal international trade Presence of live bird marketsPresence of live bird markets Infection status wild birdsInfection status wild birds Human health implicationsHuman health implications
8 Zoo -technical aspects Poultry production systems in place (sectors 1-4)Poultry production systems in place (sectors 1-4) Poultry species rearedPoultry species reared Multi age systemMulti age system Biosecurity levelsBiosecurity levels Sources of feed and waterSources of feed and water Poultry workers and husbandry practicesPoultry workers and husbandry practices
9 Socio-Economic Factors CultureCulture Public AcceptancePublic Acceptance Compensation schedulesCompensation schedules Food security aspectsFood security aspects Small holders livelihoodsSmall holders livelihoods Financial aspects of eradicationFinancial aspects of eradication
10 Vaccination Strategy Emergency in the face of an epidemicEmergency in the face of an epidemic Preventive when high risk of incursion and insufficient response measuresPreventive when high risk of incursion and insufficient response measures Routine in an endemic situationRoutine in an endemic situation Mass vaccination: all susceptible poultry are vaccinatedMass vaccination: all susceptible poultry are vaccinated Targeted vaccination: defined categories of birds are vaccinatedTargeted vaccination: defined categories of birds are vaccinated
11 Vaccine strain Choice of the vaccine strain Homologous or HeterologousHomologous or Heterologous Monovalent or BivalentMonovalent or Bivalent RecombinantRecombinant Vaccine production according to OIE standards to assure high quality
12 Principles of Veterinary Vaccine Production Quality AssuranceQuality Assurance Efficacy and Safety testsEfficacy and Safety tests StabilityStability Batch ControlBatch Control Field testsField tests Production facilitiesProduction facilities EtcEtc Specific requirements for HPAI vaccines in chapter on highly pathogenic avian influenza
13 World organisation for animal health 12 rue de Prony Paris, France Tel: 33 (0) Fax: 33 (0)