Irrigation in Saskatchewan Project Presentation from 2001 Used as notes 2002
Irrigation Design Three basic designs –Sprinkler applied –Surface applied –Trickle applied Choice of design dependent on irrigator’s situation.
Sprinkler Applied Irrigation Water is sprayed through the air in a mist and falls to the ground like rainfall. Three configurations: –Multi-sprinkler –Single-sprinkler –Boom-sprinkler
Multi-sprinkler Systems one pumping unit supplies one mainline pipe unit and supplies various lateral pipe units which have sprinkler heads. Various Techniques: –Permanent –Hand moved and Tractor Moved –Self propelled as: center pivot and lateral moved
Single-sprinkler Systems gun- type sprinkler that operates under high enough pressure to irrigate 1-6 acres in circumference. Application Techniques: –Hand moved –Tractor moved –Self Propelled
Boom Sprinkler Systems long lateral pipe with two nozzles evenly spaced to provide better water distribution single-sprinkler. backpressure spins the lateral pipe. will irrigate an area of 1.0 to 2.5 acres per setting. same techniques of application as the single-sprinkler.
Surface Applied Irrigation Intensively level or alter land. Water is applied on the ground at ground level and flows by gravity over the surface of the field. Level surface applied irrigation has standing water (< 0.1% grade). Graded surface applied irrigation has flowing water (0.1%-1.0% grade).
Surface Irrigation Techniques Three basic techniques of application for both level and graded: –Furrow –Level Border –Contour Levee
Trickle applied Irrigation A system of pumping filtered water directly onto or below the soil surface. Water is carried through an extensive pipe network to each plant. Water is expelled out emitters. Emitter differences are the application differences in technique. Emitters are prone to clogging.
Leaching Caused by Irrigation Irrigation water is over applied –soil erosion –leaching of nutrients –leaching of pesticides
Leaching Caused by Irrigation Leaching of Nutrients –nitrogen is very water soluble –over application of water can lead to N deposited in lower soil levels –can also lead to contamination of groundwater of N
Leaching Caused by Irrigation Leaching of Pesticides –Pesticides Must be broken down by soil microorganisms taken up by plants adsorbed to the soil particles
Leaching Caused by Irrigation Management –identify soil texture –irrigation schedule track of water losses from evapotranspiration irrigate when percent of available soil water is depleted
Soil Water Quality Introduction Introduction
Water Sources Surface Water Surface Water Groundwater Groundwater Effluent Effluent –Municipal –Agricultural –Industrial
Water Quality Guidelines
Salinity and SAR
Specific Ion Tolerances Boron Boron Chloride Chloride Sodium Sodium
Other Considerations Metals Metals Nutrients Nutrients Biological Organisms Biological Organisms
Irrigation and Soil Quality Vast Integrated complex
Major factors controlling irrigation’s affect on soil quality Structure and texture Biotic factor Irrigation constitution
Structure and Texture Foundation of irrigation’s affect on soil Runoff/ erosion/ nutrient loss/ Soil removal Infiltration/ Structure
Biotic Factor Most important and most affected by water Microbes are the soil Mafia Saline irrigate water water logging compaction
Nutrients Leaching Transformation
Disease Suppressed incidence Encouraged incidence No affect
Impurities in irrigate water Many sorts Salts Effluent