Adult and Lifelong Learning Annie Merton
What is NIACE? A national NGO with charitable status promoting, supporting, developing adult learning “More, different and better” adult learning Over £20m turnover; over 200 staff; Leicester based; operating 80 years Funded also by DfES, LSC and others, and long history with Local Government
And to the LGA…. A Central Body grant aided under the Top Slice arrangements An annual grant of just under £700K For:(1) influencing policy as it affects local authority adult learning; (2) supporting, developing and improving local authority adult education; (3) working with local government on adult and lifelong learning matters
Adult and lifelong learning - what it can do Develop individuals and families Encourage creativity and culture Strengthen communities and citizenship Enhance employability Build social capital
Some current issues for local authority adult education Government policy primarily about adult skills - re-prioritisation of the public subsidy Proposed changes to LSC funding system, including increasing income through fees Perceptions of its Quality, and its Value Who participates, who does not; who might Locus of leadership, re/Children’s Services Added value from Extended Schools ?
Of interest to the LGA….? Of interest to the LGA….? Developing joint LSC/LGA strategy for securing continued access to adult learning of choice by the less advantaged Mapping contribution of adult learning to other local government policy agendas, e.g. public health; adult social care; sustainability etc. Exploring/advising on incorporating adult learning within Community,Cultural and other Strategies