By Brendan Cocks, Rhiannon Stableford, Simon Mangs and Paris Craig.
ATP-PC (adenosine triphosphate phosphate creatine): It produces maximal power and is the dominant system for the first 10 seconds of exercise. When exercise commences and the ATP bond is broken energy is released to supply the muscles immediately. The spent bond is called ADP and can be regenerated to ATP by phosphorylation. Phosphorylation is ADP fusing with creatine to create a complete ATP-PC bond ready for energy release.
The lactic acid system is also activated at the beginning of exercise but because it involves a more complicated and longer chemical reaction it takes longer to build up and therefore peaks at around the 15 second mark. It continues to contribute to ATP production until if fatigues at about 2-3 minutes. The lactic acid system sees glycolysis (glycogen being broken down) occurring without oxygen, and because there is no oxygen present the glycogen is not totally broken down and a by-product called lactic acid is formed.
Speed: the rate of travel of the body, without regard to direction.
Power: the ability to utilise strength in rapid, explosive contractions.
Work: force expressed through distance, or a displacement, independent of time.
Velocity: the rate of travel of the body with regard to direction.
EPOC: (excessive post exercise consumption) The body’s response to a deficit in energy supplies as a result from a period of intense exercise. Breathing remains at an elevated state for a period of time providing excess O2 for recovery. Also aids in the removal of metabolic bi-products.
Sources of Fatigue. PCr depletion- when stores of PCr are exhausted under high intensity exercise the ATP bonds can no longer be replenished. Muscle glycogen depletion- glycogen stored in the muscles becomes a major source or ATP generation when exercise last more than 10 seconds. It is possible to exhaust these sources over long periods of sustained exercise. Neuromuscular nerve impulses- the nervous systems inability to activate the muscle fibres after high intensity and stressful exercise CNS- Muscle Recruitment~ There is some CNS involvement in most types of fatigue but more research is required.
Metabolic By-Product Removal: Heat, lactate and hydrogen ions are all major metabolic by-products. Heat causes the bodies core temperature to rise, this can increase carbohydrate utilization and hasten glycogen depletion. It is hypothesised that height muscle temperatures impair both skeletal muscle function and muscle metabolism. Lactate is caused when lactic acid is not adequately cleared from the muscles; this also causes an accumulation of hydrogen ions, resulting in acidosis. Fortunately, cells and body fluids possess buffers, such as bicarbonate that minimise the disrupting influence of hydrogen ions. If this was not the case the hydrogen ions would lower the cells PH levels and eventually kill off the cells.
Wingate Test Assistants Recorder – fills in results table Timer – Stopwatch operator Force setter – calculates needed force and changes force as required Equation for Force Setting: MALE-Leg Force (N): (BM x ) x 0.09 FEMALE-Leg Force (N): (BM x ) x Heart rate monitor monitor – informs recorder of HR every 5 seconds Revolutions recorder – informs recorder of revs every 5 seconds - After you will need to divide by 12 as revolutions on a bike are measured in R.P.M and we need a 5 second measurement Lactate measurement – 2 people, will undertake lactate test with participant pre, post and follow up