Recycling Media Shanna Roy Darquis Smith Tiago Ferreira Alex Machado Brooke O’Connor
Objective The main objective of this team is to increase awareness of recycling through social and traditional media. The team will promote projects from other teams and recycling in general Students will post consistent and engaging content on social media such as; Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest. We will also work with local newspapers and radio stations to spread the word about recycling to New Bedford and Dartmouth residents.
Introduction Working hard Serving Community Partner Completed Tasks Tasks to be Completed
Completed Tasks
Community Partner and Class Team Involvement
Project Descriptions We have posted descriptions of what each group will do throughout the semester to push recycling in the community Posted these descriptions on outlets such as Facebook
Twitter We have posted tweets and received likes and retweets about New Bedford recycles and our progress
We have posted several statuses informing the community about recycling. We have also posted descriptions of what each group will focus on throughout the semester
Tasks to be Completed
Social Media Posts Gather Pictures Event Information Press Releases
Radio Broadcasts Contact WBSM Contact Teams Plan a Time!
Recycling Video Review Script Prepared by Marissa Obtain Marissa’s Voice Over Record Portuguese Voice Over Create the Visuals
Community Involvement How can we get the Community Involved? Activities on Social Media sites Sources of the Media
Conclusion Thank you! Any Questions?