Sustainable Freight Launch 23 rd September 2015 An initiative of the South Australian Freight Council
Actual and Projected Domestic Freight Task (1972 – 2040) By 2030, total container movements through Australian ports are projected to be approximately 2.5 times the volume handled in 2010 The total national road freight task is projected to be 1.8 times its 2010 level. The total national rail freight task is project to be more than 1.9 times its 2010 level Source: BITRE (2010)
Reference below – Page 2 Business as Usual Scenarios GHG Emissions by Road Vehicles (1990 – 2020) GHG Emissions for Rail Freight Tasks (1990 – 2020) To meet National Emission Targets
Green Freight (March 2014) Sustainable Freight (September 2015)
Case Studies - It's not easy to be a pioneer. Looking at what others have done can provide ideas for positive change, guide you safely past any pitfalls and provide reassurance that what is being planned can be achieved. Policies & Regs Tools and Programs Technology Case Studies Linfox SCT Toll Adelaide Airport Profile of the Australian Trucking Fleet External case study links And More …
Tools & Programs - So you are ready to undertake some practical steps to improve the environmental sustainability of your business? Great - We have Guides, Calculators and Interactive Modules to get you going. Tech. Policies & Regs Technology Case Studies Policies & Regs Tools and Programs Decision Makers Guide Perform an Environmental Benchmark Emission Reduction on a Modest budget Truck, Warehouse, Office, Ship, Full Supply Chain Calculators And More …
Policies and Regulations - There is plenty of legislation and regulation out there about environmental and sustainability matters - Sustainable Freight has a series of Fact Sheets to help you identify how they may impact you. Tools and Programs Tec hn olo gy Case Studies Technology International Policy and Regs, Federal Policy and Regs, SA Policy and Regs, And Mode Specific Fact Sheets And More …
Technology - Ever changing, always providing opportunity - technology marches on, creating possibilities for transport to improve environmental outcomes while often reducing costs, and increasing competitiveness and profit. Tools & Programs Case Studies Policies and Regs. Alternative Fuels Emission Standards Next Gen Aircraft Electric Vehicles Hybrid Locomotives Shipping Advances And More …
How Sustainable Freight Can Help You
Sustainable Freight An initiative of the South Australian Freight Council All Feedback is Welcome Contact SAFC at