Welcome to (insert course name) (customize with instructor/course/section #)
Pointing Students in the Right Direction! [Insert Required Texbook Here] is your required text for this course. 1.You will be assigned homework from Virtual Administrative Skills ( ISBN: ) 2.Key benefits 1.Build and apply customer service and critical thinking skills while completing 16 administrative tasks 2.Gain proficiency and confidence in your ability and skills to begin a career as an administrative medical assistant. 3.Instant feedback with rationales and ability to view your Performance Review help you gain proficiency and confidence.
Signing in to Virtual Administrative Skills Go to login.cengagebrain.com Click “Create an Account” (After first time, use “Log In”)
Step 1: Enter access code from the Printed Access Card or Instant Access Code you purchased. Step 2: Fill out account information and click “I agree” to License Agreement Signing in to The Premium Website with Virtual Administrative Skills for the Medical Assistant
6 Step 3: Enter school information and click “Search” Step 4: Select school and click “Continue” Signing in to Virtual Administrative Skills
Step 5: Click “Open” to access Virtual Administrative Skills
Logging in to Virtual Administrative Skills First select gender. Then choose task selection pull down menu to show 16 tasks. Proceed to the task assigned by your instructor.
Reporting in Virtual Administrative Skills Click on Performance Review to see a cumulative score that can be printed or saved as a file and ed to your instructor.