In north-eastern Africa In south-eastern Africa in south-western Africa
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus Israel, Sudan, Libya India, China, Turkey
humid tropical moderate dry tropical
Luxor Cairo Alexandria
Spanish English Arabic
Republic Monarchy Democracy
Egyptian pound Egyptian dollar Swiss Franc
Christianity Islam Buddhism
Rice, corn, wheat Cucumber,tomato, potato Carrots, onion, peas
Agriculture Industry Tourism
Great Sphinx of Giza Statue of Liberty Eiffel Tower
Governorates States Counties
Aswan Giza Suez
Zeus Atum Nut
King Pharaoh Prince
A tomb with a view Mummy’s home
A tomb with a view
I’m gutted. I’m losing my mind. Toot-and-come-in.
I’m gutted. I’m losing my mind.
He flipped his lid. He was all wound up.
He flipped his lid. He was all wound up.
Try to teach two young tutors to toot. Toot-and-come-in.
Correctly solved the test makes you an expert on Egypt… xD
Magdalena Anna Maria Pi ą tkowska … Ic