Portland Public Schools Student Responsibilities and Rights – a presentation for younger students
Student Responsibilities Come to school every day and be on time Go to all your classes and do your work Follow directions Do your best Obey school rules at school, going to and from school, on school buses, at bus stops
Student Responsibilities (cont.) Be safe, respectful, and responsible Do not fight, bully, use bad words or words that hurt or frighten other people. Go directly home or to the babysitter’s house, or daycare after school Report violations of school rules.
You Cannot Have or Use Guns, knives, or other weapons, Anything that looks like a weapon (even toys) Tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs Anything that is unsafe for you and/or other persons Stolen proporty PLACE YOUR LIST OF Other items or materials prohibited by school rules HERE
Solving Problems Solve problems by talking to one another Respect the rights and feelings of others in school Ask your teacher, counselor, or principal for help
Respect Property Respect the property of our school grounds and neighborhood Help care for books, supplies, and all school property Respect the property of others
Act in a way that will help you and other students learn and teachers to teach
Other School Rules Add your additional school rules here
Rules are made for the safety of ALL students in the school
If you break the rules the problem may be solved in one of the following ways Talking about it You will be removed from the classroom and/or your parent will be called You may be suspended You may be expelled
Consequences Will depend on: The type of rule that was broken The level of seriousness The number of occurrences
Who you can turn to for help: Your teacher Your counselor Your principal Your coach Your club or activities advisor Your school resource officer Your parent or guardian Your school nurse Any other school official
Be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible