The Male Reproductive System sperm Head midsection Acrosome Neck Tail (Flagella) Human Sperm (SEM x5,785). This image is copyright Dennis Kunkel at, used with permission.
Sperm is 2.5 microns. Smallest human cell. Egg cells are much bigger! Both egg and sperm contribute the same amount of genetic material Egg measures 0.15 mm (150 microns) and is just visible to the eye. Largest human cell. sparky Sperm is 2.5 microns. Smallest human cell.
The structures of the male reproductive system in order of the sperm pathway: Scrotum: ________ of skin ______________ the body cavity, keeps the testes close or far from the body at an ___________________ for sperm development - about _______________ than normal body temp.
Testes: Testes are suspended outside the abdominal cavity in the ___________ Contain _____________ in which ______ are produced
Seminiferous tubules: are inside each , ____________________and are where ___________are produced by meiosis.
Epidydimis: A tube that extends from the seminiferous tubules to the vas deferens. Located outside and on top of the ______. Secretes about _____ of seminal fluid. entire view next
vas deferens- Sperm duct one of the _____________ or tubes the sperm travel through, connect to a short ejaculatory duct
seminal vesicles glands which secrete about 30% of _______________.
prostate gland secretes a milky alkaline fluid which composes about ________ of seminal fluid, this gland is ______shaped.
ejaculatory duct located in the ________, connects vas deferens (sperm duct) to the ____________
urethra passes through the penis and opens to the outside, carries _____ and _______to the outside of the body (not at the same time)
bulbourethral gland secretes a __________fluid that provides lubrication for intercourse, composes about 5% of ______________.
Male Sex Hormones There are 3 male hormones: FSH. LH, Testosterone. 1. FSH: follicle-stimulating hormone – stimulates ____________________ of sperm cells in the testes 2. LH: luteinizing hormone (LH). LH stimulates cells in the seminiferous tubules (testes) to secrete __________, 3. testosterone, which has a role in sperm production and developing male ___________________________. (beard, deep voice, male musculature, pubic and axillary hair) Note: FSH and LH are named and also produced by the female. In both men and women these are made by the pituitary gland in the brain.
Sperm Pathway Seminiferous tubules (testes) Epdidymis _______________ seminal vesicles ejaculatory duct (prostate) passes by bulbourthral gland and into the urethra (penis) out the end of the ________________ male reproductive system is basically made of tubes and glands.