Russian Experience and Lessons in Biodiversity Conservation, Kamchatka Protected Areas Project Elena Armand, UNDP Russia Bratislava, June
Objectives versus Results Strengthening protected areas managment Trained personnel and purchased equipment Improved Biodiversity Information and its Management Biodiversity database compiled and operational Sustainable Financing Mechanisms Trust Fund designed and registered Strengthened Legal, Regulatory and Policy Base Regional conservation legislation is amended Heightened Biodiversity Awareness and Advocacy Public agreement on conservation is signed Alternative Livelihoods and Community-Based Conservation SME support fund is operational
Challenges in Implementation Local authorities are not quite ready to provide financial support (as agreed) Capitalization for Trust Fund needs much more efforts than foreseen Amendments to federal legislation are not adopted Increased expectations of local communities postponed collaboration at local level
Adopted approach: why it was successful / failed Involvement of local authorities into project activities Feeling of “ownership” facilitated dialogue dramatically Joint Trust Fund for two projects, “domestic” donors Donors prefer to support broader initiative rather than one project Emphasis was made on regional legislation Regional legislation is more flexible and easier to amend Public conservation agreement as awareness raising tool 113 organizations and 400 individuals have joint the agreement
Substantive Lessons Learned Trust Fund concept should take into account international experience and national reality (political and legal environment, economic situation) SME Fund can support different activities which are not directly linked with conservation purposes Public agreement on biodiversity conservation can become a real force which stimulates dialogue between opponents
Methodological Lessons Learned Local authority is a key focus group at preparatory phase (to make it “domesticated”) Efficiency of fund raising efforts depends on range of options offered to donors SME Fund proved to be very positively accepted and helpful for communities Local population/indigenous groups should see its own place and role in the project Professionally designed and executed PR-campaign may change the whole situation with local perception
Areas for Knowledge and Capacity development Two-level Trust Fund construction Biodiversity database design, maintenance and use Public council’s involvement into park management Ecotourism development concept
Suggestions for UNDP’s future response Biodiversity projects are to be implemented within national socio-economic context