Latvia, 6-9 May 2014
* This was a great experience and I am very excited to continue this project next year. I hope we all will stay friends and communicate often. Thank you for this project! * It was a good experience * Very nice time. Want to do this again * I like this project very much, It was funny and interesting, I want to repeat this experience
* Thanks a lot * It is very great... * I had a great, great, great, great time and fun * The unique fieldtrip we did in a this BIODIVERSITY project was short and we hadn't too much freedom to explore and learn
* It was really fun :) * I love this experience * It was a good week in Latvia * Was a wonderful experience * "Nākamreiz nepārbarot * “Vairāk dienu"
* Visiting countries should say what they want to see not host countries deciding whole plan * I like when people can see our marshland! It is nice * "It has been an experience very useful! Thank you a lot!" * I LOVE LATVIA :))
* Congratulation for the meeting organizers * Very good * Very good organization * I had a great time in Latvia, everything was very well done. You are special people and wonderful hosts. Thank you for everything!!!
* The organizing was very well there was no problem in organizing. Thanks for everything * The organization was well planned. No problems occurred during the meeting. It was an amazing experience for all of us. Congratulations!!!" * The organization was well planed 'no problems occurred during the meting. it was an amazing experience for all of us. Thank you....