1 UP commercial basis 12th November User Pays commercial arrangements – type 2 services Four contractual documents published in the public domain: - Terms and Conditions - Service Schedules - Contractual documentation e.g. Service Orders - Agency Charging Statement
2 UP commercial basis 12th November User Pays Type 2 commercial model User Pays Framework Contract – T&Cs User Pays Framework Contract – Schedules: POI – IAD POI – RFI POI – DVD POI – rpts Reporting AQ Enquiries Agency Charging Statement (prices) User Pays Contract docs: Service order etc User Pays customer xoserve Order (under T&CS) Service and Invoice (under T&Cs and KPIs where applicable)
3 UP commercial basis 12th November User Pays type 2 arrangements Users will order services (using the Service Order document) under the published terms and conditions. The Service Order will be part of the contract. Service Orders will be subject to standard confidentiality provisions. xoserve can implement control measures with users e.g. only accepting orders from authorised persons within user organisations
4 UP commercial basis 12th November TermComments Contract structurePublic documents, Service Order forms part of contract Credit / security arrangementsMay be required, dependent on contract size and company credit rating Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)General principle that xoserve retains IPR in service delivery mechanisms and reports produced. IPR in the data generally envisaged to be unchanged by the provision of the services Data ProtectionRecognition and explanation of xoserve’s role ConfidentialityConfidentiality provisions to be two was as appropriate. LiabilitiesPerformance standards to be detailed in Service Schedules, as appropriate. Liabilities position under review InvoicingIn GB pounds. Monthly in arrears. Possible rule regarding value and age of debt to minimise number of lower value invoices User Pays Type 2 contract T&Cs….
5 UP commercial basis 12th November …User Pays Type 2 contract T&Cs TermComments PriceAs per published Agency Charging Statement Payment terms28 calendar days Invoice challengesBona fide disputes to be notified within set period of invoice issue Late paymentAnticipated to be in accordance with Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act Limitations on service provisionWhere appropriate, permissions to request / release data must be in place. Customer obligationsCustomer to request services using the Service Order form. Where required to provide data ( reports). Warrant that they are entitled to receive the service.
6 UP commercial basis 12th November User Pays type 2 Service Order The Service Order is used to order type 2 services from xoserve The Service Order will require key customer information e.g. invoicing contact details etc xoserve will validate the Service Order for completeness, and can, if required, validate against certain user criteria e.g. authorised submitter xoserve will acknowledge the Service Order and provide service delivery information The Service Order must contain a signature, anticipated fax or paper submission will be required
7 UP commercial basis 12th November User Pays type 2 Service Order e.g. user xoserve Submit Service Order for 12 portfolio reports Validate Service Order and acknowledge Receive acknowledgement Deliver service, confirm delivery Confirmation of delivery Raise invoice (and supporting information) Receive invoice and pay Receive payment