WED 10/22 wk-2 OBJECTIVE: 8/9 TOPIC – biodiversity DO NOW : daily grade: -5.1 READ / cornell notes WRAP UP : DW: -5.1 READ/application notes EXT: -due: - ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS EXAM-MON 10/27 -HON BIO COMMUNITY SERVICE AGENDA -DISCUSS community service -4 OBJ QUIZ -FAST PLANTS- POLLINATE / collect data -5.1 READ/application notes -DISCUSS 4.2 POGIL - HANDOUTS: -5.1 READ/application notes COMPLETE / TURN IN: -FAST PLANT DATA notebooks BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL: -DW check -3 types biodiversity
UNIT OBJECTIVES Add on to each OBJECTIVE every night as REVIEW! 6- --DESCRIBE how humans impact (+/-) biodiversity 7- --IDENTIFY how biodiversity is increased / decreased --DESCRIBE three types of biodiversity 9- --EXPLAIN how biodiversity determines the health of the ecosystem
HON BIO COMMUNITY SERVICE EACH semester you are required to fulfill 1 ONW service: 1-recycling: 3:00-3:40 (at the latest) 1 st semester [Oct 23 / Nov 24] 2 nd semester [Feb 10 / April 16] 2-lab prep: 7:25-7:55 or 3:05-3:35 sign up opposite semester of recycling to work in the classroom setting up or cleaning up from labwork
CLASS REMINDERS - STEM CAREER PROJECT – ppt TEMPLATE -on website [HONORS] -FOLLOW slide order/requirements - READ/cornell notes circle VOC – underline definition cornell notes – read headings are left column headings - HIGHLIGHT key terms in VOC – SUPPORTING EVIDENCE Qs on EXAM
FAST PLANT: DATA COLLECTION DAY 21/22/24 1- POLLINATE – keep bottle in correct population [hairy/no-hairy] 2- REPLACE BEE STICK in BOTTLE ADD WATER 4-RECORD DATA (as usual) -flower and bee anatomy -----
FAST PLANT: BUDS / FLOWERS BUD -Flower that has not yet opened -The term bud is also used in zoology, where it refers to an outgrowth from the body which can develop into a new individual.zoology FLOWER Reproductive part of a plant
4.2 HUMAN POPULATION WHAT YOU WILL LEARN -the age structure of nongrowing, slowly growing, and rapidly growing countries -consequences of continued population growth VIDEO CLIP-Human Population Growth