Endangered & Threatened Aquatics
Endangered & Threatened Species Habitat specialists- those that require a specific habitat, and are therefore more likely to go extinct
Strategies to Protect Species Illegal to have, gather, collect whole or parts of any species on list Project plans must be approved for roads, bridges, malls, pipelines, wind farms, developments
Endangered Fish
Threatened Fish
Candidate Fish
Fish in PA 34% of PA fish species are endangered Most in western part of state – Ohio, Allegheny, and Lake Erie tributaries heavily polluted due to industry – French Creek flowed north to St. Lawrence River, but glacial activity reversed it to flow to the Allegheny, isolating some populations
Endangered Amphibians & Reptiles
Threatened Amphibians & Reptiles
Candidate Amphibians & Reptiles
Endangered Invertebrates
Threatened Invertebrates
Clubshell Mussel Status: Endangered Reasons: Silt deposition, Water quality decline, Sedimentation, nutrient and chemical runoff, zebra mussels Biodiversity Impacts: water quality will decline
Dwarf Wedgemussel Status: Endangered Reasons: Silt deposition, Water quality decline, Sedimentation, nutrient and chemical runoff Biodiversity Impacts: water quality will decline
Eastern Pearlshell Status: Endangered Reasons: Mining pollution, habitat loss, sedimentation, alteration of water flow, limited genetic diversity, invasive species (didymo) Biodiversity Impacts: water quality decline, food chain collapse
Northern Riffleshell Mussel Status: Endangered Reasons: Dams and reservoirs flooded habitat, reducing gravel altering presence of fish hosts, and isolating populations; sedimentation; agricultural runoff; zebra mussels Biodiversity Impacts: water quality decline, food web collapse
Atlantic Sturgeon Status: Endangered Reasons: overfishing Biodiversity Impacts: prized for meat and eggs, control invertebrate and small fish populations
Bigmouth Buffalo Status: Endangered Reasons: Industrial discharges, mine drainage, siltation contaminating water Biodiversity Impacts: eats plankton, small invertebrates
Burbot Status: Endangered Reasons: habitat destruction, water quality loss Biodiversity Impacts: Control invertebrate and fish populations
Cisco Status: Endangered Reasons: Industrial discharges, mine drainage, siltation contaminating water Biodiversity Impacts: ?
Hickory Shad Status: Endangered Reasons: Dam building and water pollution Biodiversity Impacts: great fish for anglers
Longear Sunfish Status: Endangered Reasons: habitat destruction Biodiversity Impacts: ?
Spotted Gar Status: Endangered Reasons: Industrial discharges, mine drainage, siltation contaminating water Biodiversity Impacts: ?
Eastern Spadefoot Toad Status: Endangered Reasons: habitat destruction, breeds in unregulated temporary pools, poaching, sporadic and opportunistic breeding is difficult to protect Biodiversity Impacts: feeds on insects
Northern Cricket Frog Status: Endangered Reasons: loss of wetland habitat, poor water quality, only 5% survives winter Biodiversity Impacts: ?
Green Salamander Status: Endangered Reasons: forest fragmentation, require mature trees to regulate microclimate Biodiversity Impacts:
Bog Turtle Status: Endangered Reasons: habitat loss, invasive plants forming dense thickets and eliminating basking and nesting areas, poaching Biodiversity Impacts: indicate good water quality
Eastern Mud Turtle Status: Endangered Reasons: increased predation due to habitat fragmentation Biodiversity Impacts:
Eastern Redbelly Turtle Status: Endangered Reasons: loss of quality habitat, roadkills Biodiversity Impacts:
Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake Status: Endangered Reasons: Habitat destruction and fragmentation, death from machinery, deliberate killing, black market trade Biodiversity Impacts: rodent control