Sample Box Display ~ Items Needed QuantityDescriptionSize Lowe’s Item Number 2White Wood Board 1 x 3 x 8# BoxWood Screws8 x 11/2” Item # SetsHinges2 ½”# Handle4”# Latch Window Bolt 2”#
Sample Box Display ~ How To To Start –Cut 1x3x8 Wood into 4 pieces ~ (cut at Lowe’s if possible) 23 5/8” for TOP and Bottom 24” for Sides –Repeat –each 1x3x8 will make one box & two boxes make one display –Using Wood Screws ~ # 8 x 1 ½” in length Screw wood pieces together to create Box (Build two boxes) (pre-drill holes so wood doesn’t split) –Line up 2 Boxes side-by-side ~ Attach hinges (making one display) (pre-drill holes so wood doesn’t split) –Attach Latch ~ Either on Top or on side of boxes –Attach Handle ~ near center helps to keep stable –H-Clips from Levolor Intranet ~ Order from Marketing Fulfillment Portal - Home Depot # H
Sample Box Display Two quantity 1x3x8 Make one display 4” Down Attach Hinge 4” Up from Bottom Attach Hinge
Sample Box Display Pre-Drill holes 1/8” bit, so wood doesn’t splitHinge connects each box to make a pair Handle offers easier transportation Latch allows easier transportation
Sample Box Display Each “Sample Box” fits an HD POD Sample Shade Hinged “Sample Box” allows it to stand-alone Order ~ Two Sample Shades or Blinds per display Order ~ H-Clips for POP/Promo/Signage/F&B »# H from: Levolor Marketing Fulfillment Portal
Lowe’s Items 2” Brass Window Bolt Item # x 1 ½” Philips Wood Screw H # ½” Narrow Hinge Item # Polished Brass Sash Bar Lift Item # Suggestions: Pre-Drill Latch, Hinges and Handle Attach Hinges 4” down from Top 4” Up from Bottom Attach Handle Approx 12” to Center Wood Screws Suggested 8 x 1 ½” (8 x 1 ¼” OK)
OPTIONAL ~ Amerock Pulls
Display Box Display Irwin Quick Grip Clamp Secure your displays to table top Suggested Quantity 2 (One for each side) Found in Lowe’s (Current Color: Blue & Yellow)