Choking on Legos.
Need for study Legos are a big part of toy choking hazards. This is caused when kids don’t read warning signs.
Driving question& hypothesis. How can I help kids not choke on toys? the hole should decrease the possibility of choking hazards.
Materials& methods Legos heads - .10c A simulated throat - $10 A stand - 0 $ A oxygen tank - $100 Bendable tubes - $30 Wind speed test This will all cost about 150 dollars.
methods Drill hole in center of Lego. Put Lego in simulated throat. Connect oxygen tank to throat. Anemometer at the end of tube of simulated throat.
Results That Legos are dangerous. A choking problem happens 13 times a minute
In this project the social problem I am working on a kind of toy that parents can be relaxed, I am making a Lego toy that has holes in it. This problem is important because I think choking on Legos is a real problem. This problem is important because child safety is most important to parents. I plan to solve this problem by making Legos with holes so kids don’t choke here are the links why-lego-minifigures-have-a-hole-in-their-heads&ei=eCqwVIenNISyoQSaqYCYCA&usg =AFQjCNEd_-6nlNEmpQl4-DySMYT6pxXLGQ&bvm=bv.83339334,d.cGU.
More sites to visit. 4. 5. 6. why-lego-minifigures-have-a-hole-in-their-heads&ei=eCqwVIenNISyoQSaqYCYCA&usg =AFQjCNEd_-6nlNEmpQl4-DySMYT6pxXLGQ&bvm=bv.83339334,d.cGU.
Many parents and kids are ignoring this sign on boxes.
Most choking accidents are caused by Lego heads with out holes.
Thank you !