Step one: Page Border and title block
Border will be ¼” from the edge of the paper. Drawing will be done in landscape format. Title block will be 1” from edge of bottom border. Page number will be centered in title block. 1” x 1” Fill in title block. Name: Date:Period #: Project name: Material: 1 of 1
Step two: Creating the left and bottom lines
5 ½” 5/8” 2 ¼” ¼”
Step three: Create the three view drawing; front view - top view - end view
2 ¼” 2 ¼” 5 ½” 5 ½” 5/8” 5/8” ¼” 1 ½” 1 1/8” Name: Date:Period #: 1 of 1 Project name: Material: Draw extension lines Next will be dimension lines Finally include dimensions
Sand/Plane material to proper thickness Cut material to proper length Measure and mark pilot holes Measure and mark for chamfer Drill 1/8” pilot hole through both boards Drill 7/32” hole through TOP ONLY Drill 3/8” counter sink TOP ONLY Plane 1/4” chamfer on TOP PIECE ONLY Sand Apply Tung oil ( with brush ) Assemble with screws