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Part I Review
Review Exercise Define the term: Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Part II New Content
9.5 Linguistic Evidence of Cultural Differences
The meanings of a linguistic sign 1. Denotative meaning Vs. denotation (本体义) 2. Connotative meaning (含蓄 义) 3. Iconic meaning (形象义)
9.5.1 Greetings and terms of address 1. Greetings A. Hi/Hello/How do you do?/How are you B. 您好 / 你好 2. Terms of address A. Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms.Sir/ Madam B. 同志 / 师傅 C. extension of kinship terms
9.5.2 Thanks and compliments 1. Express 2. Respond A. to thanks B. to compliments
9.5.3 Color words 1. Berlin and Kay (1969) 对颜色词跨语言 的研究发现了其内在规律。不同语言具有不同 的基本颜色词,最多的有十一个,如英语;最 少的只有两个。语言包含基本颜色词的数量和 种类选择具有以下规律: 黑 / 白 > 红 > 黄 / 蓝 / 绿 > 棕 > 粉 / 橙 / 灰 / 紫 2. Color words and their associations (synaesthesia ) Sweet music/warm colors/cold colors/soft voice
9.5.4 Privacy and taboos 1. Privacy Age/family background/salary 2. Taboo
9.5.5 Rounding off numbers 1. Quantity 2. age
9.5.6 Words and culture- specific connotations 1. No counterparts 2. Same on the surface 3. Many more in another language 4. Same primary meaning, different secondary meaning
9.5.7 Culture-related idioms, proverbs and metaphors 1. Idioms 2. Proverbs and sayings 3. metaphors
9.6 The significance of cultural teaching and learning
Main ideas We need to learn enough about the language ’ s culture to achieve not only the linguistic competence but also communicative or pragmatic competence as well.
9.7 cultural overlap and diffusion 1. Cultural overlap 2. Cultural diffusion 3.cultural imperialism 4. Linguistic imperialism 5. Linguistic nationalism
9.8 Intercultural communication 1. Definition 2. Function: It helps to bridge the gap between both cultural and linguistic differences.
Homework 1. Review 2. Pp. 141: 3-6 (oral) 3. Get prepared for the exam