Appendices and Supplements Maureen McGlynn Chemeketa Community College
GOAL Highlight considerations related to placement of required materials: in the body of the report included in appendices sent with the report as supplemental materials or housed in the committee room
Documentation Each standard has 3 types of documentation
1. Required Documentation Essential information – can be… Embedded in the body of the self- study report Provided in the Appendices Included with the self-study materials
Examples Official mission statement and how it was developed Table of degree programs that have been added or deleted in the last 5 years Organization chart for student services Salary data for faculty
2. Required Exhibits Alluded to in the self-study, they can be put into… Appendices Included with materials provided to the Commission office Placed in the Committee Room
Examples The institution’s strategic plan Policy on academic freedom Collective bargaining agreements
3. Suggested Materials Information of use to the team in documenting the self study. Can be made available in the… Committee Room
Examples List of Student Organizations Space Utilizations Studies General program information
Key Strategy Read each standard’s documentation requirements Develop a table for all 3 areas
Determine… Find Update Develop Gaps
Key Considerations - External Appendices should be no longer than the document itself Appendices should contain sufficient key documents Format: hard copy, CD, web references
Key Considerations - Internal
Communicate Editing Teaming across departments Use of Commission wisdom