Thursday The In and Out of The Manchester Particle Physics Computing Sabah Salih
Thursday 12/10/2006 Hardware Network Software Backup Collaborative tools “eg VC,Skype” next week
Thursday 12/10/2006 Hardware 1- Users Desktop 2- Home Servers 3- Disks Servers 4- Farms 5- Printers
Thursday 12/10/2006 Users Desktop We run Scientific Linux USB cd /mnt/auto/usb 2- DVD use k3b k3b
Thursday 12/10/ /var/tmp a- Download pdf, ps,…. c- music? Please copy your music to a dvd. example pop, Indy, Rock,…. copy each 4GB to a DVD or two. c- /etc/cron.daily/tmpwatch /usr/sbin/tmpwatch 240 /tmp /usr/sbin/tmpwatch 720 /var/tmp
Thursday 12/10/2006 Home Servers We have 3 home Severs. They run AFS Please make sure you have a valid token Your token last only for 24 hours klog Please read
Thursday 12/10/2006 We have to areas: 1- Users area: /afs/ 2- 4 GB for each users 2- Experiment area /afs/ 10 to 60 GB for each experiments
Thursday 12/10/2006 Disks Servers hepdata01 is the existing hepdata01 hepdata02 is the existing hepdata02 hepdata03 is the existing babardisk1 hepdata04 is the existing babardisk2 hepdata05 is the existing babardisk3 hepdata06 is the existing work (used by babar) hepdata07 is the existing data, data1 and data2 (used by D0) hepdata08 is the existing home (used by D0) hepdata09 is the existing home1 (used by D0 and full) hepdata10 is the existing home2 (used by D0 and full)
Thursday 12/10/2006 NameCurrent SizeFuture Size hepdata01.65 TB 1.6 TB hepdata TB1.6 TB hepdata TB1.3 TB hepdata TB1.3 TB hepdata TB1.3 TB hepdata TB1.6 TB hepdata TB1.6 TB hepdata08.65 TB1.6 TB hepdata09.65 TB1.6 TB hepdata10.65 TB1.6 TB Disks Servers
Thursday 12/10/2006 The above upgrade will give us 3 TB extra At the moment if you need disk space please use /hepdata02 From any linux8 or df?? Machines cd /nfs/hepdata01 Disks Servers
Farms Thursday 12/10/ D Zero Farm 30 Dual 2 GHz AMD with 2GB of Memory in each node Each node installed like any linux8 machine to access the nodes ssh df00 - df29 2- Babar Farm half dead due to power problem. 3- Apple Farm 6 Dual G5 with 4 GB of memory in each node Please make sure you an upto date copy of your code in AFS
Thursday 12/10/2006 Network MCC Firewall Printers, Users Desktops, And laptops, linux No Printer access No Mail access Fast machines Farms node, Linux8, Disks servers
Thursday 12/10/2006 Software Common software like “ROOT”, mathematica,…. Are installed in each desktop, node,…. Use the following to find the path if you need it which root /opt/root/bin/root which mathematica /usr/site/mathematica/5.0/Executables/mathematica
Thursday 12/10/2006 Software Each experiment have a software are in partition “G” /afs/ root]# ls /afs/ accelerators babar calice grid kickstart atlas bfactory dzero hepbackup nemo sw root]# root]# ls /afs/ cern oldroot packages root usr.local.73 usr.local.SL3 root]#
Thursday 12/10/2006 Mounted area in each desktop /usr/site newsabah]$ ls /usr/site/ manchesterSL3 mathematica matlabR14 newsabah]$ newsabah]$ ls /usr/site/manchesterSL bin etc mysqlv5 usr.local.SL3 newsabah]$ Software
Thursday 12/10/2006 Backup Monthly And daily root]# ls /backup/ 2006 current lost+found root]# root]# ls /backup/2006/ 10 root]# root]# ls /backup/2006/ root]#
Thursday 12/10/ root]# ls /backup/2006/10/08/04\:45\:00/u/ anthony chrisg joe nasim pallis rmj sabah swild bjorn farah kyrieleis nbarlow philip robert sbray yazid chiayawming irina mark owen pjtelford rosa shiv yslin root]# Backup
Thursday 12/10/2006 More important Please make a date stamp of any File before you modefy Example For a file cp -p pointer-2.cpp pointer-2.cpp For a dir cp -rp Please Please never use “mv” Backup
Thursday 12/10/2006 Please make do the following: 1- Send a text message only with your Do not send an attachment unless you have to a- If you sharing a document with other member of the group then create a dir and set the ACL to be access by you and that person fs setacl -dir /afs/ - acl nbarlow write
Thursday 12/10/2006 b- If you sharing the information with external person then put the information in a web page and setup a username and passwd example cd /afs/ vi.htaccess Add the following
AuthUserFile /afs/ AuthGroupFile /dev/null AuthName ByPassword AuthType Basic SSLRequireSSL # no non-ssl access order allow,deny require user myfriend Thursday 12/10/2006
Thursday 12/10/2006 /usr/bin/htpasswd -c.htpasswd myfriend New password: Re-type new password: Adding password for user myfriend wget -nH -nd -r -l2 -np -P/var/tmp/newsabah --no-check- certificate --http-user=myfriend --http-passwd=mooandmoo cd /afs/ chmod 700
Thursday 12/10/2006 Library access To access the Library Please use the following proxy “Thanks to Jeff” : Library
Thursday 12/10/2006 $grep sabah]$ cd afsserver/txt/ txt]$ grep kas * |grep admin afs1-history txt:kas setpassword hepbackup -admin admin $tar When you copy dir please use tar tar -zcvf /var/tmp/newsabah.tar.gz newsabah WWW]$ uname -n Useful note.bash_history file
Thursday 12/10/2006 Environment variables and.bashrc Please do not put you experiment environmental Setup in.bashrc If you do so thing will break. some of the software will run and some will not.
Thursday 12/10/2006 Thank you So Much