Psalms Songs of the Heart: Lament Thanks & Praise
The Psalms The book of Psalms contains 150 psalms The title “Psalm” refers to sing to the accompaniment of a harp or lyre. In the Hebrew tradition the book is called “praises.”
The book is traditionally attributed to David
The Psalms were composed to be sung in public worship. Most psalms focus on one of three sentiments: lament, thanks, or praise
Psalms of Lament Express grief and complaint to God for suffering, beg for help, affirm that he is trustworthy, and end up praising him. They console and gradually transform the suffering one who prays to become more centered in God.
Psalms of Lament cont. The psalms of lament often rail against enemies, which can be particular people, oppressive systems, or even evil within ourselves.
The elements in Psalms of Lament 1.An address to God 2.A complaint or account of the misery suffered 3.A plea for help 4.An affirmation of trust in God 5.A statement praising God Activity- Read Psalm 22: 1-4; 69:1-33; 86:1-8
Psalms of Thanks and Praise The Psalms of thanks and praise focus on God’s goodness and spring from a humble attitude. They recognize that God brings us through suffering and death into new life and hope.
Psalms of Thanks and Praise cont. These psalms celebrate God’s wonderful deeds and the beauty of creation that He sustains with love. Psalms of thanks and praise are filled with a sense of wonder and awe.
The elements in Psalms of Thanks and Praise 1.An introduction word or statement of praise 2.The reason for the praise, or what the person praying is grateful for 3.Another statement of praise Activity- Read Psalm 23; 47:1-7